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Due to the current “COVID-19” pandemic, no event will be possible in 2020, but the need of those in need has not diminished. “That’s why I decided to hold the concert via YouTube livestream,” says Horvath.
The concert starts next Saturday at 7.30 p.m., the live stream starts at around 7.20 p.m. The rehearsal and announcement video will be open on Wednesday, December 16 Youtube to be found under “Singing DJ Tom”.
Donations can be made directly to the association’s account “Fair Help” – IBAN: AT96 3312 5000 0003 1336 to be transfered!
“So make yourself a mulled wine or punch or a good bottle Wine on. The advantage is that if you don’t like it, you can just turn it off, “Horvath advertises, and asks that a lot of money for needy Families is gathered.
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