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Oberhaid: Club overwhelmed by help after sports home fire

That happened in the district of Bamberg newly renovated sports home from 1. FC Oberhaid few weeks ago victim of a fire – after two years of hard work. The initial shock of the Franconian footballers gave way to a spirit of optimism – not least because of the overwhelming support from the outside.

“The solidarity that came from all over football-Franconia moved us a lot”reports Marketing Director Uwe Dotterweich on Wednesday (May 5, 2022) inFranken.de. “Regardless of whether we were supported with money or material – that was phenomenal.“People’s willingness to help also keeps the club members “mentally on track,” explains Dotterweich. “That’s also very important.”

1. FC Oberhaid plans reconstruction after devastating sports home fire

Also local companies therefore made a significant contribution. “It doesn’t matter who I talk to,” says Dotterweich. “Many Handyman say: ‘Actually we don’t have any capacities, but for you let’s do it.'” The Marketing Director also praises the “excellent cooperation” with the football club’s insurance company, which reacted quickly to the fire. Only a few days after the fire, the first inspection of the destroyed clubhouse took place.

“The insurance will take over the damage,” explains the Oberhaider Marketing Director, noticeably relieved. However, a final report is not yet available. Also the cause of fire has not yet been finally clarified, since a corresponding assessment by the public prosecutor’s office is still pending.

Because the crew cabins fell victim to the flames, the footballers are currently pulling themselves in containers in the parking lot. “Everything has already been delivered and assembled,” reports Dotterweich. With the help of an architect and a structural engineer, the Reconstruction of the sports center will be realized.

Games in front of the ruins of the Sportheim give footballers additional motivation

Not least because of one that was brought into being without further ado fundraiser the game was able to continue despite the massive fire damage – “with an emergency power generator and toilet van.” The board emphasizes the importance in front of a home crowd to be able to compete. “Our big goal was to convey to the team: You don’t have to play somewhere. You play – even if it’s a little macabre – in front of the ruins of your sports home.” This sometimes released additional motivation.

Die donation funds are primarily intended for expenses for which the insurance company does not pay. There is now electricity again on two sports fields. “That’s important to us because that’s where our deep well pump is for irrigation.” From the building interior apparently nothing could be saved. “Screed, parquet, bowling alley – everything has to go.”

“A demolition has not yet started.” Whether this is necessary ultimately depends on whether the outer walls of the fire building be able to stand.” The total damage also not certain yet. Fact is that 75 percent of the building complex had been destroyed. Individual areas are collapsed. Dotterweich expects damage of two to two and a half million euros.

“We have real plans for the club again”

The clubhouse is ab 1967 created over generations. “Our grandfathers first built a wooden shack”, says the Marketing Director. over the decades several construction stages added.

The future will show how things will continue with the sports home of 1. FC Oberhaid. In the middle of the month there is one Local term with insurance, structural engineer and architect on the club premises. “That’s where the first course is set.” Even if it is still difficult to look at the remains of the sports home, optimism ultimately prevails for the district league team.

“It’s all very sad, but we’re looking to the future.” Sport is also excellent. In the Oberfranken West district league, 1. FC Oberhaid is currently in 4th place. “We have real plans for the club again.”

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