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Obama turns infinitely richer than he was before president | People

When four years after the withdrawal of Barack Obama of the presidency of the United States, who is considered one of the most charismatic presidents of the country turns 59 with a infinitely greater fortune than before residing in the White House. According to an estimate made by GoBankingRates, Obama currently has a net worth of 40 million dollars (about 34 million euros in exchange), far from the 1.3 million he declared when he became president, and although almost half of that fortune he made it during the eight years that he held the position of president and with the help of his wife, Michelle, the other half have already been obtained out of office and thanks to the ability of marriage to like and conquer. A fortune, in addition, that can be multiplied if the income of the two members of the couple is taken into account.

Maintaining the image with which they became one of the most attractive presidential marriages for the media is not easy and knowing how to promote themselves to achieve it either. The two have known how to make their time at the White House profitable and have become an authentic own brand that turns everything they touch into gold.

Barack Obama receives a pension as former president of almost 190,000 euros per year, but this income is the least of his emoluments if it is taken into account that for each of his interventions as a speaker he receives around 350,000 euros. His role as a writer also provides him with another important part of his emoluments. According Forbes, From 2005 to 2016 Obama received $ 15.6 million in advances and copyrights for The boldness of hope and I sing to you: a letter to my daughters, and also for My father’s dreams, his first memoir.

But the family economy does not fall only on her shoulders because Michelle has also managed to generate millionaire income. My story, the autobiography he released in November 2018, has become the best-selling memory book in history and during the promotional events the public treated her as if she were a true rock star. Such was the success that at the end of last year Michelle launched a new publication, Becoming: A guide journal for discovering your voice, which can be translated as A guided diary to discover our voice, a kind of complementary diary of his memories that borders on the self-help book. The total sum of the contracts of her memoir books have generated a record number for the couple, around 59 million euros.

The former first lady’s agenda is also packed. According to the same data from the study conducted in 2019 by GoBankingRates, Michelle Obama charges around 200,000 euros for each of her conferences or public speeches. AND his appearances are not trivial. Barack Obama’s wife was took the stage at the Grammy Awards in 2019, has participated in numerous feminist talks and, in 2017, was one of the people in charge of delivering one of the ESPY awards that are awarded each year to the best athletes.

Books and lectures are not the only Obama foray into the media. The couple has created a production company, Higher Ground, inspired by the title of a song by Stevie Wonder, with which it has reached, among other things, a production deal with Netflix whose contract in 2018 is estimated at a figure close to 46 million euros. The Spotify music platform, which has 60 million subscribers, also has an agreement with the couple in the production of podcast for their audience and in some cases they will even lend their voices to them. To these two globally known platforms, in early 2020, the social network Instagram joined, who signed with Michelle Obama the production of a series of six episodes designed for millennials that will show how the first year of university is for three students belonging to classes minority.

A success and fortune sown and cultivated for years, the harvest of which they harvest more than now, in which neither luxury nor the good life is lacking. Her daughters study at private universitiesMalia at Harvard since 2017 and Sasha in Michigan since last fall; and the family don’t skimp on spending on your vacation. Their choice of idyllic destinations such as Indonesia, Tuscany and French Polynesia is common, and they also enjoy days with friends such as the getaways that make Lake Como with their friends George and Amal Clooney and also to Spain, since Michelle Obama has frequented on several occasions the island of Mallorca together with his friend, the former ambassador of the United States in Spain, Jaime Costos.

Throughout all these years, the Obamas have also made some real estate investments. One is the house they bought in the exclusive neighborhood of Kalorama, in Washington, when they left the White House for which they paid almost eight million euros. They have another home in Chicago and at the end of last year they acquired another property with sea views on the exclusive Martha’s Vineyard island, valued at almost eleven million euros.

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