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Obajtek on TV Trwam: “Fuel prices cannot be lowered.” A year ago, he claimed it was possible

Daniel Obajtek, president PKN Orlen, on air TV I’m on, referred to rising fuel prices. The head of the fuel giant explained whether fuel prices could be lowered and assessed their level. Liter gasoline lead-free Pb98 is on average PLN 6.09, 10 groszy more than before the increase – calculates the expert portal E-petrol.pl.

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Daniel Obajtek: We cannot suddenly say that we will lower the prices

The head of Orlen argued that the company is doing everything possible to keep prices at the stations “not galloping”. However, he stressed that decisions must be made in accordance with certain criteria.

– We can only use market mechanisms. We cannot suddenly say that we will lower fuel prices and sell below the margin, because this is acting to the detriment of the company. Such action could cause a catastrophe for the management board – he said.

Fuel prices. BM Reflex: Sharp increase in prices at stations. What forecasts?

Obajtek: Poles earn more

The head of Orlen also commented on the high prices at the stations. “In 2012, there was already a fuel price of PLN 6. Currently, the fuel price is also about PLN 6, but we have a much higher one earnings“- he said.

He also explained that Orlen today incurs higher costs. “We employ people who also have to pay more, because the minimum rate was PLN 9, and now it is PLN 18” – he explained.

In the pandemic, Obajtek boasted that Orlen had lowered prices

Today, Daniel Obajtek says fuel prices cannot be lowered, but in the spring of last year, at the height of the coronavirus epidemic, he argued otherwise.

– Orlen lowers fuel prices in the first place – he said in April on Radio Gdańsk. – Although we all buy a barrel for the same price all over the world, we have the cheapest fuels in Poland. It is also help for Poles to somehow stimulate the economy in this difficult time – he assured.

He had said the same thing a few days earlier on the air of “Wiadomości”. – We are gradually lowering prices and we will continue to lower these prices. It is important for us to help the economy. Orlen will always be with Poles for better and for worse – he claimed.

Fuel prices.  Obajtek: Orlen does everything to ensure that basic fuels cost less than PLN 6 per literFuel prices. Obajtek: Orlen does everything to make the basic fuels cost less than PLN 6 per liter

Kaczyński on fuel prices in 2011: I would reduce the excise tax

Due to the high fuel prices, some commentators resemble the PiS position in 2011. price gasoline it was then approaching the level of PLN 6 per liter. “More than half of the price of gasoline is taxes. The government may reduce them. I would reduce the excise tax, which would lower gasoline prices. But for this you need courage and responsibility” – said Jarosław Kaczyński, PiS president at the time.

“You don’t have to be a driver to know that gasoline has become very, very expensive. And elementary knowledge is enough – that for the price of gasoline about 50%, i.e. for PLN 200 100 – these are taxes” – he argued during the conference press release.

The current position of PiS on this issue is different. – We are not planning to lower the excise tax. As a responsible authority, we must ensure that the budget tightens – he said on the air on Wednesday RMF FM Jarosław Sellin, deputy minister of culture. – Excise duty is a very important income to the state budget, which serves many social programs, incl. 500 plus, raising minimum wage – added.

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