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‘Oats’ blame! Our story is over, I found Pat ‘back to buy a bag for someone else.

Wednesday 24 February 2021, 13.42



Be careful, the old fire is hot! Orbiting with each other, how many times it always sparks Recently, a pair of gin “Pat-Napapa” “Oat-Pramote” came back to meet “Bear Pasing Season 4”. But not let down, being blown off by Father Bear But found Pat returned like this ??

Oat: “If you fell on a horse, your mouth is crooked, what do you do?”



Pat: “It’s okay, I’ll take care of yourself. Nong is good at wearing Pampers turn over.

Oat (you can get me off): “No, our story is over. At first I thought that I would never meet. See you have a girlfriend ”

Pat (immediately return): “We don’t use that word. We always give ourselves a chance. We used to say it’s annoying that someone else bought you a bag. Twenty thousand each of our hats are there. “

Pat girl, how do you feel like this? How do you do Papa Bear? https://youtu.be/wIy6ynZ21Xo

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