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Oakley College (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Guy: Private

Training: Early childhood, primary, secondary and matriculation education.

Students: 530

Teachers: 52

Oakley College Born in 1989, with small classes, we currently host students from 2 to 18 years old. Oakley College’s purpose has always been to create a confident learning community.

They try hard to get in offer all students a “first class” education. An exceptional education fosters development academic, social and moral in students, providing them with the knowledge they need to perform well after school. After the lessons, the training of the students is also promoted, offering them a wide range of activities, visits and excursions.

Los core values of Oakley College are: “respect, responsibility and problem solving”. At Oakley they are passionate about learning and everything they do is focused on the students, who are treated with respect and sensitivity. The entire educational community works to create a familiar and inclusive environment in which students feel safe learn and develop your self-esteem.

Using specific protocols and programmes, an integral person-centred approach is achieved, in which the personal circumstances of the students, both short-term and long-term, are known by the teaching and non-teaching team and are taken into account in the educational decisions of each student , contributing to increased confidence, willingness to learn, academic excellence and most importantly, greater student well-being.

Its goal is to make students become adults capable of making decisions for themselves, who are autonomous, independent, have the ability to choose, to know what is right from what is wrong, and not to be afraid to make mistakes, because this too is part of the learning.

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