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NYPD Responds When Van Transforms Into AirBnB

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Seven pickup trucks were swept away by New York City police. All of them were used for the rental of real estate, five of which were even New Jersey plaques. Stealth was clearly not their specialty, but the video of YouTuber spending the night in the van probably did not serve their purpose.

And even if the rental company offered AirBnB customers to experience #vanlife, a very popular phenomenon on Instagram, the police quickly put an end to the charade.

$ 97 a night to sleep in a van, which might sound like overkill, but considering the price of the Big Apple, it makes sense. In addition, the filmmakers describe their experience as “very comfortable” but “fragrant”.

On the side of the police, the latter boarded these vehicles and used two more than justification to put an end to these rentals. First, their permanent parking and repeated fines were not sanctioned. You can park wherever you want in the Ariège rural parking lot, not in New York.

And finally, for the second (much scarier) reason, that night in the van is the perfect scenario for a kidnapping. Oops, chills …

Detective Conan ?

As a result, the van was taken off the street and the ad was removed from the rental platform. Unfortunately, there is no further information on the culprit at this time. This case has not yet been followed …

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NYPD Responds When Van Transforms Into AirBnB

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