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NYPD and ATF Join Forces to Fight Gun Violence in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

in the midst of so much violence.hope: thanks maris, it’s avery important topic. due to thehigh rate of violencearmed, the police againyork is supported bythe federal agency for thecontrol of tobacco, weapons andalcohol. Gary Merson attended atraining to the elementsto take into account againstgary: levelscriminality have forced thenew york city to employa socialized beds. newsunivision counts and one attendeda session of the agencyalcohol, tobacco and auto weapons,that collaborates in an organ forreduce the number of weaponsillegal in the streets, lowbest practices fordeal with suspects.in training, weexplained the justificationsof the use of force before aconfrontation with aarmed criminal. onethat affects the suspect and thepeople, they are fractions ofseconds to stick to the lawat the time of the action. thejustice department saysdeadly force only whennecessary, when there isprobable belief that thesubject represents dangerimminent death or injuryserious about the officer or anotherperson.an agent is required touse the amount of force ofaccording to the resistance of athat will depend on thereasonable circumstances.not all clashesoccur at a distance, cases ofexcessive use of forcephysics have been the reason forconflicts and protests. apaologue explains to us from hispoint of view.Gary: There is a way to avoid apermanent damage and knowstop so as not to cause thedeath?example, if they give you in an arealocated in the head, it willif they give you in the chest or they give youin the abdomen. the copsmust be trained not toexert deadly force that killspeople.Gary: We consulted the coronerbecause of the importance of aspecialist like thisparticipate in the design of thetraining, something thatconfirmed by the ats agency, sincelawyers and others interveneofficers. the doctoroffered the order of priorityof the dangers for a beingvivo.>> once thebreath, the nextdeath is coming.the following is when aperson is bleeding, mustbe taken care of immediately becauseis the second priority.law enforcement officers toothey have to learn to measure theirown strength.gary: among the general guidelinesis that a cop does not needfear for his life or thesuspect to be armed touse force that results indeath.community organizations

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