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NYC prepares to administer a third dose of the vaccine

This Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio announced that city authorities are ready to massively administer a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

The statement comes just days after the FDA authorized its emergency application for people with weakened immune systems.

In the opinion of Sixto Caro, an internist at NYU Langone: “Patients who do not have low defenses can and should be vaccinated with a third dose approximately eight months after their second dose. The reason is that the defenses of the antibodies that defend us of COVID-19 – even if it has given them the disease – when vaccinated they increase their defenses against the Delta variant or even if another one such as Lambda comes to come, it does not kill them or send them to the hospital “.


But despite the recommendations of medical and public health experts, many New Yorkers are still confused: “As of now, I don’t have a decision on whether to get a third dose of the vaccine,” explains a neighbor.

Others consider that getting vaccinated is putting their grain of sand to save lives beyond personal protection: “I think I would put the third for a common good, thinking about the community because people are very selfish.”

People who want to know more details about the vaccine and the third application for people with poor immune systems, can visit the website: nyc.gov/covidvaccine

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