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Nutritionists talked about the dangers of Russians favorite cereals

Is porridge that mothers and grandmothers advised to eat since childhood? Dietitians Irina Toropygina and Galina Bartashevich tried to understand this issue, writes NN.

Popular oatmeal, as it turned out, contains phytates and inhibits the absorption of calcium. It is better not to eat it for those with gluten intolerance. At the same time, oats are useful in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa, and save from bloating and pain caused by gastritis or an ulcer, nutritionists indicate.

They also advise giving buckwheat porridge to people who are prone to constipation and gas, with kidney failure, increased blood clotting and stomach ulcers. On the other hand, buckwheat is a source of proteins, carbohydrates, contains B vitamins, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, rutin bioflavonide, as well as lysine, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen. It also lowers bad cholesterol, normalizes metabolism, and is useful for anemia, cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.

In turn, rice porridge is rich in B vitamins – the key to a healthy nervous system, but all the benefits are contained in the grain shell. That is, you need unpolished rice. According to nutritionists, porridge from brown rice regulates sleep, tidies hair and nails, activates brain activity, however, white rice is contraindicated for diabetics and sclerotics, and its use can trigger the formation of kidney stones, experts warn.

One of the most unprofitable was semolina porridge. It is a clean and fast carbohydrate that raises blood glucose, which causes the release of large amounts of insulin. Frequent use of semolina can lead to weight gain, and it is better for children not to give it at all, because this porridge contains phytates that bind calcium and remove it from the body, nutritionists say. It also has few vitamins, and it reduces the digestibility of vitamin D. Although experts admit that semolina is good for people with a sick stomach and intestines – it has low fiber, it does not burden the gastrointestinal tract.

Millet porridge has the least drawbacks: it does not contain gluten and is a geroprotector, useful for skin, hair and bones, relieves arthritis and arthrosis, sprains and sprains, as well as improves intestinal motility, relieves constipation and burns fat deposits. At the same time, with diseases of the thyroid gland, millet still interferes with the absorption of iodine. And it’s better for diabetics to cook it in water.

In general, nutritionists recommend eating porridge in the morning, but not every day – it is better to diversify the diet. At the same time, experts recommend forgetting about instant cereals, which are much more dangerous than semolina.

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