Sugar reduction is all the rage, and now most people are thinking about eating less bread, but there is a type of bread rich in probiotics that can help balance the intestinal flora and prevent gastroenteritis caused by imbalance of the flora. This miracle bread is “sourdough bread”. Nutritionists also recommend adding it to your diet, preferably at breakfast, to strengthen your digestive system.
Nutritionist Cristina Barrous says that by taking good care of your digestive system, you can reduce inflammation — something that’s not easy because the digestive system is affected by different factors, not just the food we eat or the habits we follow. “When our digestive tract is inflamed, it affects the body in a variety of different ways, such as causing fatigue,” explains Barrous, a clinical psychoneuroimmunologist. We know that foods containing probiotics can help. Balance your gut flora, and sourdough bread is one of them. Many studies (such as that of Josep Trueta of the Girona Institute of Biomedical Research in Girona, Spain) indicate that sourdough bread can help restore the balance of intestinal microflora.
Sourdough bread contains Lactobacilli
“Sourdough bread is rich in lactobacilli, which are microorganisms that can regulate the intestinal microflora.” Barrous explains: “These microorganisms will multiply the intestinal flora and strengthen the digestive system.”
Nutritionist Leticia Carrera further explained: “Most breads on the market are made too quickly, so consumers may have problems such as adverse reactions or digestive difficulties after eating them.” “The lactobacilli in sourdough bread help to improve nutrition. ingredients, making nutrients better absorbed, and it can offset the negative effects of flour and reduce the glycemic index of bread. This type of carbohydrate is a good choice, they can not only provide energy for the body, but also nourish the brain. “
Sourdough bread is perfect for breakfast
Although sourdough bread is good for your digestive system, that doesn’t mean you need to increase the amount of bread you eat every day. Your goal should be how to replace other types of bread with sourdough bread. “The emphasis is on taking in probiotics rather than taking in more calories,” says Barrous. “If you usually eat bread for breakfast, switch to sourdough bread. For lunch and dinner, I suggest you skip the bread and switch to root foods.” , like potatoes would be better.”
Is whole grain sourdough bread healthier?
Irene Domínguez, director of the nutrition department at the Palasiet Clinic in Spain, said she always chooses whole grain or organic sourdough bread. “Because bread made from whole grains is rich in fiber, they are nutrients for intestinal flora, which can promote the growth of microbial flora, reduce inflammation, and strengthen immunity.” Domínguez continued to explain: “This is why we recommend eating whole grains. Or whole-wheat sourdough bread, where you’ll get yeast and probiotics and make it easier to digest the gluten.”
Benefits of probiotic foods on gut microbiota
Sourdough bread is actually just one of the foods rich in probiotics, along with yogurt, kefir and homemade pickles – all of which should be included in our daily diet. Mar Mira, a doctor at the Mira + Cueto Clinic in Madrid, Spain, said: “The intestinal microbiota has many functions, and they affect intestinal permeability, gastrointestinal immunity, intestinal motility and activity of the enteric nervous system, and even the brain’s function. “They also affect emotional responses, the ability to regulate pain, and contribute to certain mental illnesses, neurological disorders, and obesity.” He went on to explain: “This is why the gut microbiome must be balanced and have a certain diversity and distribution.”
Our gut flora, or microbiome, is affected by diet, lifestyle, physical activity, and medications. Incorporating good quality sourdough bread into your daily diet may seem like a small step, but it has the potential to create a healthier, more balanced gut health.
Original text from:Vogue Spain
2023-11-27 06:01:37
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