Home » today » Health » Nutritionist warns about the dangers of overdosing on health supplements and failing to adhere to safety rules. Excessive intake can cause poisoning or damage organ functions. Providing natural dietary sources of essential nutrients.

Nutritionist warns about the dangers of overdosing on health supplements and failing to adhere to safety rules. Excessive intake can cause poisoning or damage organ functions. Providing natural dietary sources of essential nutrients.

Health Supplements|Eating Vitamin C Can Be Poisoned? Calcium supplementation for kidney stones?Reveal the best serving size of 10 nutritional and health products

Update time: 00:05 2023-04-05
Release time: 00:05 2023-04-05

Taking nutritional health care products has become a part of the daily diet of many health-conscious people, and it is not uncommon for people to take one kind, or even more than three or four kinds, at the same time every day. However, some people take multiple nutritional products at the same time without knowing the ingredients and dietary limits of each supplement. Cai Leyi, a registered dietitian at the Michelle Nutrition and Health Center, emphasized that long-term blindness and wrong use of nutritional supplements can lead to poisoning at any time, leading to damage to the liver and kidney functions, and even heart disease.

Safety Rules for Intake of Nutritional Health Products

  • Registered dietitian Cai Leyi said that if some nutrients overlap in the supplements taken, it is easy to cause excessive intake.
  • In fact, there is an upper limit to the amount of nutrients that the human body can absorb every day. Excessive intake of nutrients not only cannot be absorbed, but excessive storage may cause physical discomfort, and severe cases may lead to poisoning.
  • In addition, even if it is taken under the specified safe dosage, it is necessary to pay attention to the contraindications, such as the time of taking and the food that is incompatible with it, otherwise the absorption rate of nutrients will be greatly hindered, and even the effect will not be effective.

vitamin overdoseCWill be poisoned?

  • 18to50Recommended daily intake for adults45to90milligrams of vitaminsCwith a daily upper limit of2000mg.
  • Vitamins currently available in the marketCproduct, dosed at approx.500to2000Milligrams vary.
  • vitaminCIt is a water-soluble vitamin, which is usually excreted by the human body after excessive intake, but if the dose is too large, it will also bring negative effects. Excessive doses and long-term use can cause hemolysis in severe cases, and “nephrotoxicity” can seriously damage kidney function.

vitaminDToo Much Supplement Can Damage Bone

  • Generally speaking, a balanced diet and regular outdoor activities are enough to get the daily vitamin intakeDwithout taking additional vitaminsDsupplements.
  • Elderly, people with limited mobility, darker skin, etc. may have difficulty getting the body to produce enough vitamins through exposure to the sunDmore likely to be deficient in vitaminsDit may be necessary to pass the vitaminDSupplements to provide what the body needs.
  • vitamin overdoseDIt can cause nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, and even kidney stones and bone pain.
  • HeminDIt can indeed promote calcium absorption, so when taking calcium supplements or eating high-calcium foods such as milk, black sesame, almonds, etc., together with vitaminDIt is better absorbed with food.

vitaminAandEExcessive supplements can cause hair loss and eye damage

  • Nutritionist Cai Leyi pointed out that in addition to vitaminsCIn addition, vitaminsAand vitaminsEIt is also a popular choice of supplements for many people.
  • vitaminAand vitaminsEBoth are fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to eat them together with fatty foods during meal times, so that the body can absorb them more easily.
  • vitaminAPossible side effects of overdose include: nausea, blurred vision, headache, and hair loss.
  • Excessive intake of vitamins by pregnant womenAmore chance to affect the fetus, and increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Chronic overdose of vitaminsEmay reduce blood clotting function, and in a few cases may increase the risk of bleeding.

Kidney stones caused by excessive calcium supplementation

  • Currently, common calcium supplements include: calcium carbonate and calcium citrate.
  • Cai Leyi said that calcium carbonate with high calcium content needs to be taken after meals, because the stomach acid produced by food will help the body absorb calcium carbonate.
  • Calcium carbonate is relatively easy to produce stomach gas during the digestion process, so people who are prone to abdominal distension should try to choose calcium citrate, which is more suitable.

Iron supplements are prone to conflict with certain types of beverages

  • Dark brown(especially black tea)Coffee or beverages containing cocoa ingredients should not be taken together with iron supplements, because the tea polyphenols in these beverages will inhibit the absorption rate of iron.
  • Tea contains tannins, which combine with iron to form insoluble compounds that reduce iron absorption by about50%
  • Cai Leyi reminds everyone that it is not advisable to drink too much tea or coffee immediately after eating high-iron foods or supplements.

Atrial fibrillation linked to excess omega fatty acids

  • take omega369Fatty acid supplements, you must first know whether you are sensitive to fish.
  • People who are sensitive to fish should choose Omega extracted from algae3Fatty acid supplements.

Collagen Supplements Difficult to Improve Skin Quality?

  • In recent years, there have been a lot of marketing promotions for supplementing collagen to improve skin quality, which has attracted many people who pay attention to skin health and love beauty.
  • However, is this nutrient supplement method feasible? Nutritionist Cai Leyi has the following guidelines:

Excessive lutein can easily increase the burden on the liver

  • Lutein is widely promoted as having the effect of protecting eyes. Some studies have pointed out that lutein can reduce the chance of suffering from eye diseases, so it has become a nutritional supplement that many urbanites rely on.
  • Because lutein is a fat-soluble nutrient, when eating fruits and vegetables rich in lutein, it is recommended to cook with oil to help increase the absorption rate.
  • As for taking lutein supplements, it is also suitable to be taken with or after meals to help the body absorb it more easily.
  • Although lutein supplementation is said to be beneficial to eye health, as long as it is a fat-soluble vitamin, taking too much of it will put a certain burden on the liver, so it is still necessary to remember not to take too much.
  • Supplement lutein supplements to daily6to10mg is appropriate and should not exceed the upper limit30mg (this dose contains daily dietary sources of lutein).

Psyllium seed should be taken with caution by certain patients

  • Psyllium is believed to be useful in treating diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • At present, most psyllium supplements are in powder form. It is recommended to add water and mix well before taking. It can be taken no matter before or after meals.
  • Taking psyllium husk may lower blood sugar. If patients with type 2 diabetes take it, they should consult their doctors first to adjust the dosage of antidiabetic drugs.
  • In addition, it should be noted that the amount of added sugar contained in some psyllium products has the potential to increase blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Some people will have severe allergic reactions to psyllium husk, especially those with allergies themselves, so be extra careful.
  • Psyllium can lower blood pressure, so patients with hypotension who take psyllium may make blood pressure too low

melatonin before bed30minutes to take

  • In most animals, melatonin is synthesized and secreted primarily at night, and it is also synthesized in many tissues and cells, including retina, bone marrow cells, platelets, gastrointestinal tract, skin or lymphocytes.
  • Melatonin supplements, often used to help you fall asleep, improve sleep quality in a drug-free way.
  • It is generally recommended to take it before going to bed30Take it within minutes to relieve insomnia.
  • In addition, melatonin also has direct and indirect antioxidant properties.

Natural Dietary Sources of Nutrients

  • The natural diet is rich in various nutrients needed by the human body. Basically, the elements necessary for the human body can be obtained from various ingredients.
  • Cai Leyi said that intake from food is the most diverse and ideal. The human body needs to absorb vitamins and minerals from food so that the body can use them and synthesize other required nutrients.
  • Cai Leyi listed various vitamins and natural dietary sources of important nutrients for everyone.
  • vitaminsA,vitaminB1,vitaminB2,vitaminB3,vitaminB5,vitaminB6,vitaminB7,vitaminB9,vitaminB12 ,vitaminC,vitaminD,vitaminE, and calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. Details are as follows:

vitaminA natural dietary sources

vitaminB1 natural dietary sources

vitaminB2 natural dietary sources

vitaminB3 natural dietary sources

vitaminB5 natural dietary sources

vitaminB6 natural dietary sources

vitaminB7 natural dietary sources

vitaminB9/Natural Dietary Sources of Folic Acid

vitaminB12 natural dietary sources

vitaminC natural dietary sources

vitaminD natural dietary sources

vitaminE natural dietary sources

Natural Dietary Source of Calcium

Natural Dietary Source of Iron

Natural Dietary Source of Magnesium

Natural Dietary Source of Zinc

Gayon in the same field: Do you need to take nutritional supplements?

  • Nutritionist Cai Leyi pointed out that in the past, Hong Kong people used to take health care products. After experiencing the new crown epidemic, people pay more attention to daily health care and understand the importance of maintaining good health and enhancing disease resistance.
  • The epidemic also seems to provide a big boost to the consumer market of health products and nutritional supplements, but do people really need to take them?
  • Cai Leyi pointed out that generally only under certain circumstances, it is necessary to consider taking nutritional supplements, and before taking any supplements, it is advisable to consult a doctor first. If you want to get a preliminary understanding first, you can refer to the following guidelines:

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