Calculus is a common disease, and once it occurs, it will make people miserable. However, there is a rumor on the Internet that: “Increasing calcium intake will cause stones”, causing panic among people. Nutritionist Chen Yichun said that in fact, increasing calcium intake will not cause stones. The real cause of stones is insufficient calcium intake and not drinking enough water. If you want to prevent annoying stones, it is recommended that the public abide by the 7 small reminders and refuse to be a stone family.
Dietitian Chen Yichun said that the average daily calcium requirement for adults is 1,000 mg, and the rumors on the Internet that “increasing calcium intake will cause stones?” are actually wrong. Bone is the largest calcium storehouse in the body. When calcium enters the body, the blood has a set of balance mechanisms that store excess calcium in the bone and maintain blood calcium concentration by releasing or storing calcium. Therefore Increasing the amount of calcium does not cause stones.
Too much calcium is easy to get stones?
The real cause of stones is actually insufficient calcium intake. Because the body needs calcium to maintain physiological functions, when the calcium intake is insufficient, the bones will release the stored calcium into the blood, which will increase the blood calcium concentration and maintain the blood calcium concentration. But when the blood calcium concentration rises, it is easy to combine with oxalic acid in the blood to form annoying stones. Generally speaking, the parts that are more prone to stones are the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra and other places.
What are the causes of stones?
Nutritionist Chen Yichun pointed out that the reasons for the formation of stones in the body are not only insufficient calcium intake and a body prone to stones, but in fact the biggest factors are insufficient water intake and excessive sweating.
Normally, the kidneys have the function of automatically regulating blood volume. Once dehydrated, the body will feel thirsty and remind the body to drink water. When drinking not enough water or sweating too much, the amount of urine formed by the kidneys is not enough, which makes the concentration of calcium ions, uric acid, phosphoric acid, oxalic acid and other substances in the urine too high, and it is easy to form crystals and precipitates in the urine, resulting in a stones.

The reason for the formation of stones in the body, in addition to insufficient calcium intake and the body prone to stones, is actually the biggest factor is insufficient water intake and excessive sweating.
7 o’clock reminded that the stones are not on the upper body
Nutritionist Chen Yichun reminds that if you are a person who is prone to stones, you are advised to limit foods high in oxalic acid such as spinach, strawberries, chocolate, strong tea, and beer. The general public can follow the following tips to avoid stones.
Reminder 1/Water intake should be sufficient
Adequate water will dilute the urine and prevent stone formation. It is recommended that the average adult should consume at least 2000c.c. of water a day; if they are prone to stones, they need to add 2500c.c. to 3000c.c. of water to allow the kidneys to have enough water to produce urine.
Reminder 2/Calcium intake should be sufficient
People who are prone to stones should take 1000 mg of calcium per day, which can reduce the occurrence of stones. Dairy products, black sesame seeds, dried fish, tofu, etc. are all foods rich in calcium.
Reminder 3/Vitamin B6 should be sufficient
Vitamin B6 can inhibit the metabolism of non-essential amino acid – glycine (glycine) to form oxalic acid in the body. Therefore, supplementing an appropriate amount of vitamin B6 can reduce the formation of oxalic acid in the body, thereby reducing the generation of calcium oxalate. Foods containing vitamin B6 include dairy products, lean meat, beans, whole grains and roots.
Reminder 4/Dietary fiber is essential
After eating greasy food such as big fish and meat, the eaten oil is easy to combine with calcium to form soap calcium, which prevents calcium from combining with oxalic acid, increases the absorption of oxalic acid in the small intestine, and easily forms stones in the body. Sufficient dietary fiber can inhibit fat absorption, making it difficult for fat to combine with calcium, thereby achieving the purpose of preventing stones.

Sufficient dietary fiber can inhibit fat absorption, making it difficult for fat to combine with calcium, thereby achieving the purpose of preventing stones.
Reminder 5/ Potassium and magnesium minerals should be taken in moderation
Minerals potassium and magnesium are alkaline minerals, which can combine with oxalic acid in the intestinal tract to inhibit the absorption of oxalic acid in the intestinal tract; they can also prevent the acidity of the urine, reduce the excretion of urinary calcium, and prevent the formation of stones.
Reminder 6/Vitamin C is not excessive
The Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends that the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults is 100 mg, and the general public can achieve the daily recommended intake by eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables. Since the metabolite of vitamin C is oxalic acid, if you take vitamin C supplements of more than 4000 mg per day for a long time, it may increase the oxalic acid content in the urine and increase the chance of suffering from stones.
Reminder 7/Avoid eating too salty
When eating too salty and increasing sodium intake, it will promote the excretion of calcium in the urine and increase the possibility of stones.
2023-04-26 03:03:48
#Stones #excessive #calcium #intakeDietitian #Chen #Yichuns #points #advice #refuse #upper #body #stones