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Nutritionist answers • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The nutritionist at Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Hospital, Shorouk, Basinbel, answered a question about whether excessive consumption of dates by diabetics makes them completely equal to manufactured sugar.

And she said during an interview with the “Sabah Al-Saudi” program: “The exaggeration of a diabetic in everything is incorrect, and the meals he eats must be moderate, according to the doses he gets.

And she continued: Sugar is a type of fruit, for example the fruit of an apple is equivalent to 3 dates, and the number varies according to the types of dates and their level of ripeness, and it is important for a diabetic to know that dates contain two types of sugars, “mono- and dual-compound.”

She added: The time when dates are eaten has an effective role, so if they are eaten in the morning, the sugar may be high, and it is better to eat them after a period of taking the dose.

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