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Nutrition is not an absolute determinant of immunity, this is how to optimize it through gastrointestinal health

How to achieve optimal immunity. Easy!

GridHEALTH.id – Nutrition is not an absolute determinant of immunity, this is how to optimize it through health GI tract

To form immune system strong, childchild need adequate nutrition and nutrition balanced. Check out the explanation here, let’s!

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The immune system is an important thing that cannot be ignored, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Basically, the immune system is a protection system that is in the human body. In other terms, the immune system is often also referred to as the immune system.

A functioning immune system is able to protect the body from various types of disease. Conversely, if the immune system weakens, pathogens will easily attack the body and worsen health conditions.

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One way to maintain and build immune cells is to eat nutritious foods.

As is known, nutritious food can support the body to be healthy if the nutrients are truly absorbed.

But the body will not absorb any nutrients if the body has digestive problems. That is why, healthy digestion must be owned by everyone, especially children.

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“As much as 70-80% development immune cell it is affected by the balance of microbiota gastrointestinal tract. So the healthier the digestive tract, the better the immune system will be, “said the Specialist Doctor Child Gastroenterology Consultant DR. dr. Ariani Dewi Widodo, Sp.A (K), in the Digital Seminar “Nutrition for Immunity, the Key to Optimal Growth and Development “, Monday (7/20/2020).

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