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nursing homes are redoubling their vigilance to avoid a return of the Covid-19

Several nursing homes have had to re-define their residents after positive cases of Covid-19. Others, who have so far escaped the epidemic, are redoubling their vigilance to limit the risk of contamination as much as possible. “If we had to close again, we are ready”, we are told.

As the number of positive coronavirus cases increases, some retirement homes have been forced to re-limit their residents. This is the case, for example, in Digoin in Saône-et-Loire, where visits are suspended at the Opalines nursing home after the discovery of a cluster. There are two deaths and three people hospitalized. The screening campaign initiated on the spot revealed the contamination of 15 residents out of 39. During the first wave of the epidemic, this nursing home like the two others in the town had been spared by the coronavirus.

In Saint-Maurice-aux-Riches-Hommes, in Yonne, the coronavirus has so far remained at the door of the Bois-Lancy nursing home. This is where, at the height of the epidemic, staff decided to voluntarily confine themselves with the 72 residents. “As of March 29, we formed two teams. The first spent two weeks sleeping with the residents of the establishment. And the second team took over for the second fortnight.”, says Sonia Vast, the director. “We had almost 70% of the staff who remained confined. It was mainly nurses, orderlies and then a member of the management in each team”.

When we had the peak of the epidemic in France, we were relatively protected because we lived in autarky with the residents in the structure.

Sonia Vast, director of nursing home

“If we had to close again, we are ready”

Since then, containment has been lifted and the doors of the icaunais establishment were able to reopen in June. But strict guidelines have been put in place. In addition to wearing a mask and washing hands, visitors must come by appointment and it is not possible for them to go to their room. “We have set up two lounges at the entrance to the building, this allows us to ensure that the barrier measures are well respected, that the wearing of the mask is well maintained”, details the director. After the visitors have left, the furniture is completely disinfected.

Since June, the protocol has not changed. There is no question for the moment of restricting visits. “Until we have the recommendation to close the doors, I will leave the visits as they are today. It is still important that the residents have a family life. The year is complicated”, says Sonia Vast. “The people who come to visit are very serious and have taken into consideration all the commitment we had made to have slept on site.”

I don’t know how the next few weeks will unfold. The teams are formed. If we had to close again, we’re ready. We are able to react within a few minutes.

Sonia Vast, director of nursing home

In Dijon, at the nursing home Les Cassissines, a little turn of the screw was given on September 9. While room visits were possible for a while, we now have to make do with common areas. “Many dysfunctions were noted”, justifies Lorène Badet, the director of the establishment which belongs to the Korian group.

However, visiting hours have been extended. Before September 9, it was possible from 2 to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 2 to 4 p.m. on weekends. Now, visitors can come between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. every day. “The goal is really to keep the freedom of residents and families, while maintaining prevention and protecting them from Covid”, added Lorène Badet.

Temporary outings by residents are not recommended. “If however the families wanted to take their resident out, they can. However, he will be considered upon his return as a newcomer. So he will have a screening on his arrival, another five days later and he will be placed in confinement in his room for seven days. “, explains the director.

We don’t know what’s going on outside, it’s way too dangerous. The numbers are rising, we can see it. We cannot take a risk for a resident and endanger 86 residents and our employees.

Lorène Badet, director of nursing home

“We necessarily have the sword of Damocles above our heads”

Wearing a mask, washing hands, signing a register and a charter by visitors and taking the temperature: the measures are strict but they are there to avoid re-containment. “I do not hope to get there. It would be dramatic for everyone. As well for our residents, as for the families or for our employees. We think about it. We necessarily have the sword of Damocles above the sea. head, but it is really by doing prevention with families, with residents, that we will be able to keep the virus outside “, Lorène Badet indicates. For now, the Dijon establishment has not suffered any Covid-19 contamination.

In several metropolises, health constraints are tightened. In Lyon, visits have been reduced to two people per resident and per week. In Marseille, the limit is fixed at two visits per day. The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, has chosen to stop all visits to municipal nursing homes.

President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron assured Tuesday, September 22 that he did not want to “isolate our elders again”, during a visit to a nursing home in Loir-et-Cher. He promised a law “ambitious”, early next year, to respond to the difficulties of the sector.

“We will support the heads of establishments so that rules are enacted which precisely allow a proportionate reaction” facing the epidemic, said the president after his visit. Elderly people must be allowed to “continue to see the family, those we love, and continue to have […] a minimum of activity, to continue to have interactions because that is also life “, he continued.

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