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Nursing calls for new strategies to promote vaccination and reduce mortality

Adopt new strategies to increase vaccination rates and reduce population mortality. The nursing group’s new demand for vaccination is to maximize benefits thanks to high coverage, since It is one of the most cost effective and successful interventions in the field of Public Health. Therefore, they have asked him to design special lines to establish vaccination campaigns and to reach citizens effectively.

Having high vaccination rates is the foundation in improving the incidence of respiratory diseases. Inoculations are one of the most powerful tools we have to prevent and cure these pathologies. And in this process, The role of nurses is the main engine to drive these levels in diseases such as influenza, COVID-19 or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).as described in a statement by the General Nursing Council (CGE).

This is the idea of ​​the webinar ‘How to deal with the prevention of respiratory diseases’, organized by the Institute of Advanced Health Training (ISFOS) of the CGEwith collaboration from Pfizer. For two hours, four experts in the field have broken down theThe most relevant factors for vaccination uptake among the population. Both in the most common diseases such as the flu or COVID-19, and in others with a lower frequency, but a negative impact on human health.

The role of nurses

The director of ISFOS, Pilar Fernández, has emphasized that “a fundamental part of this ban falls on nurses, that is health education. We must inform our patients, based on scientific evidence, about the elements that are within our reach to avoid diseases, reduce the risk of spreading these pathologies and also affect the mandatory vaccination.” Moreover, it has reinforced the idea training, scientific evidence, and health education “the pillars on which they must be based to convince the undecided”and that it is necessary to “do it for example, “getting nurses vaccinated too.”

On the other hand, the doctor who specializes in Family and Community Medicine (MFyC) Olga Vicente has emphasized the clear impact of acute respiratory diseases and the fundamental role of vaccination to reduce the consequences of these diseases both on human health and health. of health systems. So, he has confirmed that 90 percent of respiratory infections are of viral origin, The Influenza virus, COVID-19 and RSV are the most common in our environment.

“Fortunately we have effective vaccines for the most common diseases that cause the most morbidity and mortality. Including that vaccination recommendations are based on scientific evidence, It is essential that health professionals are familiar with the health benefits and reduction in mortality and morbidity associated with vaccination, and in this way we actively promote vaccination, promoting its implementation,” Vicente expanded.

Distribution among the people

The specialist nurse A nurse Mabel Bueno Family and Community, has returned the entire sample of vaccines available against respiratory diseases. “It is important to raise awareness among society and health managersthat, as the saying goes: prevention is better than cure, because we save a great impact, both socio-health and economic, and for this, as nurses, it is essential that we know what what vaccines they are and how and when we can administer them, he asked.

The design of specific strategies is essential in establishing vaccination campaigns, and these must be based on scientific evidence. The director of nursing care of the Northwest Region of the Community Health Department of Madrid, María Soledad Ochandorena, has mentioned five points to be able to develop these strategies. First, he has identified the need for it “strengthen health systems” increasing staff training or ensuring a constant supply of vaccines. In addition, he highlighted the need to address patients’ doubts and fears with “open communication, scientific evidence and expert testimony.”

Likewise, he pointed out that “education and communication must be enabled for the public with clear information and information campaigns.” It has also shown the need to improve access to vaccination with measures such as extending hours or being able to enter vaccination programs through mobile phones. Ochandorena has indicated that it is necessary to simplify processes, with actions “such as improving electronic registration or simplifying documents”.

Vaccination during pregnancy

Finally, nurse and secretary of the National Nursing and Vaccination Association (Anenvac), Inmaculada Cuesta, has mentioned the importance of dealing with RSV during the maternity period. “The administration of immunogens specifically identified during pregnancy aims to prevent infections and complications in the woman herself.“, promote optimal fetal development, avoid complications during childbirth and protect the newborn in the future in the most vulnerable period.”

In particular, regarding the RSV vaccine for the mother and the new baby in the future, the nurse has pointed out that through maternal vaccination, “the newborn baby can be protected from the zero moment of birth to at least six months of life.” Therefore, “There is a safe and effective vaccine that, when given to a pregnant woman, transfers protective antibodies against RSV to her future baby through the placenta. Maternal vaccination is safe and effective, it prevents illnesses and problems for both and is an altruistic and supportive act from the mother to her future child,” he concluded.

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2024-10-14 14:47:00
#Nursing #calls #strategies #promote #vaccination #reduce #mortality

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