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Nursing anesthetists: the total strike continues at Rodez hospital

the essential
Launched since November 8 across the country, the strike movement is renewable until Thursday, November 18. All of the nurse anesthetists in the department stopped working, causing the operations to be deprogrammed.

Today, the blockage is massive and concerns all operating theaters in France. We have been on strike for 15 days and we still have no signal from the government or the Ministry of Health. We must enter into a period of discussions, we are calling for it “, explains Brice Ramondenc, nurse anesthetist at Rodez hospital and on strike like his 17 colleagues at the establishment.

The heart of the problem: a status that “does not correspond to the reality of our daily activity and a lack of recognition”, continues the representative of the movement for Aveyron, who fears a flight of caregivers to the private sector.

Monday morning and after meeting the management who informed them of their “understanding”, State-certified nurse anesthetists (IADE) went to meet hospital users to let them hear the reasons for their anger.

“They are very precious”

Another significant support was provided to the IADES: that of the entire Ruthenian anesthesia service, with around one hundred employees, from the mouth of its manager, Doctor Sophie Dufraisse: “We are not part of the movement but, from the beginning, we have refused to put patients to sleep if no IADE is present. They have extraordinary skills and are very valuable in terms of patient care and safety… If we do nothing, who will choose to be IADE tomorrow? “.

The solution, requested by the strikers, would be to include the IADE in the new status of Advanced Practice Nurse (IPA). Since their presence is systematic in operating theaters, the number of accidents has been divided “by 10”, continues Doctor Dufraisse.

“In accordance with the right to strike, and in accordance with protocol, agents have been assigned (5 per day in recent days) so that the continuity of care can be assured in complete safety. Adjustments to the operating program were necessary in order to guarantee the quality and safety of care, including some deprogramming last week and again today, without loss of luck for patients “, explains the management of the Ruthenian hospital.

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