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Nursind complaint: dilapidated hospital, professionals and patients in danger! AssoCareNews.it

Nursind denounces the conditions ofMarino di Cagliari: Dilapidated! We are all in danger here!

“Covid patients were diverted from the Holy Trinity to the Emergency Department of the Marine Hospital. All this happens without there having been any logical planning, much less staff training ”.

The complaint comes from Fabrizio Anedda, secretary of the NurSind Nursing Trade Union.

“Again, we can add, the hospital is not in the least structured to receive patients with internal medical problems, and who therefore do not find beds, negative pressure rooms (neither in the emergency room nor in other departments) and everything that would be needed here for their care.

Furthermore, the Marino Hospital has always dealt with orthopedics, but for years it has been in poor structural conditions ”.

No structural adjustment.

The union then continues “The premise is that the hospital is run down, and certainly does not offer the best possible service to the patient.

No structural investments have been made and it is already very complicated to follow the orthopedic part of competence ”.

Covid positive promiscuity – negative Covid and the staff get sick.

“In this Covid emergency, we now find ourselves in front of columns of 13 ambulances waiting – as has happened in recent days – outside the emergency room.

With Covid and non-Covid patients and without the possibility of creating paths to separate the different cases.

Patients remain hours and days waiting to be sent to other hospitals, and so Covid outbreaks have also been created inside the hospital: a lot of staff has fallen ill “.

It lacks staff.

“We feel even more the weight and gravity of the absence of nurses and OSS, in adequate numbers, and the relative demotion of roles that follows”.

“The staff is lacking, the staff is positive, and in this way the surgical activity is blocked and not only – said the union representative – we treat Covid and not Covid, and we move from one side to the other: so the rules for containing the infection are put at serious risk by the same personnel who are forced to work in this manner. We are all in danger: patients and professionals ”concludes the union statement.

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