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Nurse who left the island to work in New Jersey says he has COVID-19

Joy Santiago Avilés, the nurse who was fired in Puerto Rico and left for New Jersey to offer its services in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, reported that it tested positive for COVID-19 and convalesces in a hotel.

In a Facebook post, the 40-year-old man indicated that he began experiencing symptoms from April 15, just five days after traveling from the island to the state along with 10 other nurses.

“I want to let you know that I became infected with Covid, it is the worst thing that has happened in my life,” he said.

The health professional with 18 years of experience highlighted that he has barely been able to get out of bed and that he has not been able to eat. He said he has been given all the symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, cramps and muscle aches.

“I took care of myself as I have never taken care of myself in a professional career, I tried it, I used all the equipment every day and however I got infected. This condition passing it alone is the worst thing in the world, I do not wish it on ANYONE, ”he added in his publication.

On April 10, Santiago Avilés recounted that a private company in New Jersey offered him up to $ 75 an hour, in addition to $ 60 a day for food and clothing expenses, to work as a nurse in a state hospital. The contract would be between eight to 15 weeks.

The nurse could not reject the offer at a time when the private company for which he worked on the island since October 2019 terminated him on March 26, in the midst of the crisis due to the disease.

“I never thought that I was going to leave in the middle of an emergency in my country. I know it will be necessary (in Puerto Rico), but they took me out (from my job) and we are the soldiers of this battle. My vocation moves me to go where they need me, ”he said, visibly moved at the time.

With information from the journalist Marga Parés Arroyo.

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