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Nurse in Linz infected with corona despite Pfizer vaccination

At the Kepler University Hospital in Linz, a nurse was infected with the coronavirus, although she had already received both doses of the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine.

In Linz, a nurse was apparently infected with the coronavirus one month after she was vaccinated with both vaccine doses of the immunization with the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine. The Kepler University Hospital confirmed this to PULS 24.

An employee had tested positive for the coronavirus in a rapid test, and the PCR test was also positive. All other employees who had contact with the infected person were therefore tested negative.

There is always a residual risk

Even with the highly effective vaccine from Biontech / Pfizer, the effectiveness is “only” 95 percent; So there is always a residual risk of getting infected anyway. The much more aggressive and contagious British and South African variants add to the residual risk. The vaccination prevents a severe course, at least even in the event of a renewed infection.

According to a report from “heute.at” A second nurse is said to have been infected with the corona virus regardless of her vaccination.

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