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Number of corona patients in hospital again slightly up | Inland

Of the hospital patients with corona, 24 stay in intensive care (IC), reports the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS). That’s as many as Sunday. The number has been fluctuating around twenty for a week and a half.

The increase is due to the nursing wards of hospitals, ie outside the walls of the ICs. There are now 94 corona patients. Last Friday there were 69. This means that in and around the weekend about 25 corona patients were admitted.

The Netherlands has 116 hospital locations. In every hospital there is now an average of 1 patient with corona. At the height of the crisis in late March and early April, ICs alone contained approximately 1,400 patients with Covid-19. An unknown number of patients in the nursing wards were added to this. Regular care was then almost completely stopped.

Other complaints

Intensivists are currently treating 521 people with other conditions, such as serious heart complaints or cancer. In total, 545 people are on the ICU. That number has fluctuated around 600 since early June. Under normal circumstances, ICs would now treat around 900 people. 1150 beds are available for this. Half of the number of IC beds is therefore not in use.

“We are currently seeing slight changes in the number of Covid-19 patients in Dutch hospitals. The total IC utilization can currently be called historically low ”, says chairman Ernst Kuipers of the Landelijk Netwerk Acute Zorg.

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