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Nuevo León will allow wakes – Televisa News

Although originally the government of New Lion had announced that the bodies of people who died of COVID-19 would be cremated directly, the authorities changed their minds and announced that they will also be able to watch over them, and bury them.

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The secretary of Health in the entity, Manuel de la O Cavazos, recognized that preventing people from seeing their dead relative can cause psychological problems.

“There are people who are going to cause trauma for a lifetime,” said De la O Cavazos, “so it was agreed that it would be a short four-hour visit with a maximum of 20 people, which seems correct to me.”

Regarding possible infections, the official explained that among the control measures will be that the body will be in a waterproof, sealed and sanitized bag; in addition the coffin will be sealed.

“There are no aerosols that the corpse dispatches, there is no longer any risk that it can infect people, so they can also inhume it,” he said.

With information from Notimex

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