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Nuevo León, Chiapas and Sinaloa confirm new cases of coronavirus

The state of New Lion This Thursday became the state entity with the most cases of COVID-19, reaching 25 confirmed infections.

The Secretary of Health in the state, Manuel de la O Cavazos, explained that today they add a total of 145 possible cases of the virus, of which 85 have been negative and 35 are still suspected.

“We currently have 25 confirmed cases of COVID-19, a total of 1,145 of which 85 are negative and 35 suspect.

“We are the federative entity that has more cases of this disease called COVID-19 in the entire country, we saw that coming a few days ago,” the official explained.

De la O Cavazos said that the mobilization of both national and international people by the entity encourages more cases, unlike other states in the country.

There are two confirmed cases in Chiapas

The Ministry of Health of Chiapas confirmed the second case of COVID-19 in the state. This is a man who traveled with his family to Europe, and probably had contagious contact with a person in Paris, France.

The State Secretary of Health, José Manuel Cruz Castellanos, reported at a press conference that the 47-year-old patient, originally from Tuxtla Gutiérrez, presents “mild symptoms” and is isolated at home, under medical supervision in accordance with the protocols established to treat this phase of the pandemic.

“In Chiapas one more is added who was notified last night by the laboratory as positive. He is a person who, in the company of his family, was in Germany, France and England. Possibly there was contact with a person in Paris, it was his probable contagion contact, “said the state official.

On March 9, after 14 days of clinical monitoring, health authorities released the Tuxtla Gutiérrez student who was residing in Italy and tested positive for the coronavirus.

Likewise, the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas will suspend, starting next Friday, mass masses in the 57 parishes of that religious district to prevent contagion from the COVID-19.

Confirmed second case of coronavirus in Sinaloa

A second case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Sinaloa It was confirmed in a 20-year-old girl, with a history of having recently been traveling in the United States, so she is asymptomatic isolated at home.

The patient, who was admitted to the General Hospital of the city of Los Mochis on Saturday the 14th of this month with the COVID-19, 25 years old, is progressing satisfactorily, so He was authorized to be transferred to his home under isolation for not presenting any symptoms.

The authorities of the State Health Secretariat denied the versions published on social networks that there are more cases of virus contagion. Efrén Encinas Torres, Secretary of State Health, reported that there are no suspected cases at the moment.


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