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Nudist on the train, detergent in the fountain. Scottish fans cleaned London after the rampage

They still had no idea that they would bring a sensational point from London in the fight with the English for promotion from the group of the European Football Championship, and Scottish fans were already really roaming the streets of the capital. Eventually, some of them followed in their footsteps and cleaned up the sidewalk trash.

Around 20,000 fans of Scotland set out for London, where their national football team competed against England as part of the basic group of the Euro football team.

But only two and a half thousand of them could fit in the tribune at Wembley. The rest scattered across London’s streets and squares, as the capital lacked a big-screen fanzone due to covid measures.

Even before Friday evening’s match, social networks circled pictures of Scottish fans. On the train, one of the fans undressed halfway and took a selfie with the passengers. Other rioters poured dishwashing detergent into William Shakespeare’s fountain to create a geyser of bubbles. And they were left with a big trigger.

The police also had to deal with several other small incidents in the form of riots and overuse of flares in the areas around the restaurant gardens. After dragging the cheerful guys through the streets of the city, a huge amount of garbage remained on the squares and sidewalks.

But part of the Scots crowd was embarrassed, grabbed plastic bags, brooms, and set out to clean up mainly around Leicester Square, where the mess was greatest.

Despite the cleaning action, the kiltech men had to be satisfied, their representatives rolled in a derby without a goal and are still in the game to advance to the round of 16.

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