Home » today » World » Nuclear weapons – the only salvation from a nuclear apocalypse – 2024-08-30 15:15:38

Nuclear weapons – the only salvation from a nuclear apocalypse – 2024-08-30 15:15:38

/ world today news/ For seventy-five years of mutual deterrence, nuclear weapons saved the world and people simply got used to it. Now we see with our own eyes that nuclear weapons are no longer stopping, so the unthinkable is happening: the West has unleashed a major war with a major nuclear force.

The official history of the creation of atomic weapons is known, but in my opinion there is still a super-idea for its appearance. It is as if the Lord God saw that a large part of humanity had gone mad, unleashing two world wars in the lifetime of one generation, and gave the people nuclear weapons – the weapons of the apocalypse, to stand before their eyes all the time and scare them.

And now people have lost their fear.

In recent decades, what I call strategic parasitism has spread in the United States, Europe, and even to some extent in Russia: the belief that there can be no war and there never will be. They got used to it, and on this soil the modern Western ideology grew. In addition, there is now absolutely unprecedented propaganda, the likes of which did not exist even during the years of the Cold War. People are just delusional and afraid to say what they really think. As a result, because of these 70 years of peace, the sense of self-preservation has ceased to work in society, and with the help of magically vicious propaganda, this sense of self-preservation is further suppressed, as well as by claims that Russia will never strike Europe. Official Western propaganda pushes the idea that the West can do anything and Moscow will tolerate anything. And now it manifested itself extremely prominently and vividly.

In recent years, Russia has begun to strengthen its nuclear deterrent, but so far the steps taken are completely insufficient. At some point, we also became complacent, aligned with Western theories, and recklessly raised the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, which the West now uses with good reason. There all the time, semi-officials emphasize: no, the Russians will never use nuclear weapons. They want us not to even raise this issue under any circumstances, as if they are clearing the way for them to start an endless war in Ukraine. But given that their military-industrial complex is bigger than ours, they just want to bully us.

I hope we never use nuclear weapons, but to give up the possibility of using them in all situations except in case of mortal danger to the country itself seems frivolous to me.

So the US is tying Russia’s hands and hoping in the long run to bring it down with this long war. And as a result, to radically weaken their main rival – China, which in this case will be alone. This is a strategic intent that is completely understandable. Well, in parallel, the Americans, having already thrown the Ukrainian people into the furnace, are pushing Europe there, destroying the positions it has held for five centuries. Thus they solve another problem – they destroy the Old World as a strategic player and a potential strategic competitor. In turn, the comprador European elites slaughter their countries and peoples.

I want to believe that our opponents will come to their senses. Because if not, then the military-political leadership of Russia will be faced with a terrible moral choice and the need to make a difficult decision. But I do believe that our president must at some point show his determination to use nuclear weapons.

However, the question arises as to who can and should be the target of such an attack. The Americans, as we all know, shamelessly lied that we were preparing strikes against Ukraine. This is monstrous nonsense, maliciousness, because, of course, the Ukrainians are a miserable, deceived people who are fighting for slaughter. But after all, this is our people, we will not hit them. If we are talking about nuclear strikes, then we have to talk about a number of countries in Europe that provide the most assistance to the regime in Kiev.

Fortunately, we have begun to take steps up the ladder of nuclear deterrence. But we must act faster and more decisively, although of course the use of nuclear weapons is a monstrous step, it must be avoided if possible. But as shown by the vector of development of the West, its elites and society, their movement towards anti-human and post-human values, all this clearly indicates an objective approach to a major thermonuclear war. We must interrupt this process and thereby save the world – if possible, of course, avoiding extreme actions.

We have time, but we must understand that it is quite short. We must use these next few years to solve the problem of the West, to force it to back down and mind its own business, because now it is trying, without solving its problems, to start wars around the world.

Launching a special military operation was important and of course the right step, although I think we should have done it sooner. A number of other measures can be taken. In particular, it is worth telling everyone in the West that any strike against Belarus is a strike against Russia and will lead to the corresponding consequences.

Also, among the possible Russian measures may be redeployment of missiles, testing of our strategic missiles at closer distances, as well as psychological actions and even severing diplomatic relations with countries that play the most active Russophobic role. Such a measure as a warning to all Russian speakers, all citizens of the former USSR, all people of good will to leave places that could be potential targets for a nuclear strike is also possible. It can also be the most powerful deterrent. Moreover, all these people should not go to Russia: let them go to other countries where there are no military facilities and which do not help the venal regime in Kiev, do not supply it with weapons and money – there are many such countries. People should return to Russia not out of fear, but of their own free will.

When the topic of a hypothetical nuclear strike on Europe is discussed, the question arises: how would the US respond to it? Virtually all experts agree that under no circumstances will the Americans respond to a nuclear strike on their allies with a nuclear strike on our soil. By the way, even Biden has come out openly about it. However, Russian military experts believe that massive retaliatory strikes with conventional weapons could follow. It can be noted that in response to a massive non-nuclear strike, even more massive nuclear strikes will be launched. And they will eliminate Europe as a geopolitical entity. Which, of course, we wouldn’t want, because after all we are Europeans to a certain extent and, in the words of Dostoevsky, the old European stones are not alien to us.

When such scenarios are discussed, the topic of China and its position inevitably arises. Our strategic goals are the same, but the operational ones, of course, diverge. And if I were Chinese, I would not rush to end the conflict over Ukraine, because it diverts the attention and military power of the US and the West from China and allows Beijing to build up power. This is a completely normal, I would say, respectful position. And of course, I would not want nuclear weapons to be used. First, for moral and ethical reasons: I think we are united here with the Chinese. And secondly, since the Chinese still have a small nuclear potential, the movement of military-political competition in this area is now undesirable for it. In ten years they will have a first-class nuclear potential (and even in five or seven years the situation will change) and then the best option to prevent a major thermonuclear war will be one in which a more powerful China will take the lead and Russia will support and cover him as the Chinese are now supporting us.

I fully understand the moral anguish of people who say: under no circumstances can the use of nuclear weapons be acceptable To which I reply: my friends, I respect pacifists, but they exist and live in this world only because soldiers fight and die for them, as our soldiers and officers are now fighting in Ukraine.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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