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Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Weapons | Peace Prize winner with crystal clear message to Støre after Trump news

The US top general feared Trump would go berserk with nuclear weapons. Peace Prize winner comes with a prayer to Jonas Gahr Støre.

– The incident from earlier this year shows that the perception that the control systems and control mechanisms for nuclear weapons are safe and secure is far from the truth, says campaign coordinator Daniel Högsta in ICAN (The International Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons) to Nettavisen, and at the same time comes with a clear invitation to incoming Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

Renowned Watergate legend Bob Woodward brings a sensational Trump news to his new book “Peril.” Woodward writes that US Secretary of Defense Mark Milley was so anxious about Donald Trump’s mental state after the election defeat and the congressional attack on January 6, that he feared the then president could act on impulse and order a nuclear attack.

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Chief of Defense Milley thus held a secret meeting in the Pentagon to assure that absolutely no one would carry out any orders for acts of war or nuclear attacks from Trump, without Milley himself being involved in the procedure for acts of war, according to CNN.

The U.S. Secretary of Defense also contacted his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, according to Woodward’s book, and assured the Chinese that the US government was stable and had no plans to attack China militarily.

ICAN was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo in 2017 for its work in pointing out the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of the use of nuclear weapons and pioneering efforts to bring about a ban.

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Higher risk than expected

ICAN believes the incident described in Woodward’s book is further proof that the world’s nuclear weapons are not in completely safe hands.

– The incident from earlier this year shows that the perception that the control systems and control mechanisms for nuclear weapons are safe and secure is far from the truth. The probability of a nuclear disaster is much greater than we think. This has been proven in collaboration between various experts, including the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists who have now set the doomsday clock to one hundred seconds at midnight. This is the closest we have been to a nuclear disaster, Högsta told Nettavisen by telephone from ICAN’s head office in Geneva.

Doomsday Clock has been developed by a number of researchers and academics in the field of nuclear weapons and symbolizes how close to humanity is doomsday. Doomsday is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing.

– ICAN has the tools needed to make the world safer, he says and refers to the prohibition treaty.

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ICAN now strongly urges incoming Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre to sign the UN Treaty banning nuclear weapons.

Encourages Støre to act

The potential government partners SV and Sp have already programmed a wish for Norway to sign the agreement. The Labor Party believes that the Treaty of Prohibition is a good initiative, but has stated that NATO membership prevents Norway from being able to sign the agreement.

– Firstly, we recognize the role that Jonas Gahr Støre played in facilitating the first intergovernmental conference on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons use, says Högsta.

Norway hosted the conference in 2013. 128 countries participated in the conference, which aimed to strengthen knowledge about the harmful effects of nuclear weapons. The process resulted in the current Prohibition Treaty.

– We are very excited to have him back in this position as incoming Prime Minister, and we expect that he will at least ensure that Norway participates as an observer in the Prohibition Treaty’s first state party meeting in March 2022, Högsta says.

– We have learned that there is strong support in the Labor Party for a Norwegian accession to the Prohibition Treaty, so we expect the new coalition to work for a Norwegian accession to the nuclear weapons ban. If it does not happen immediately, we at least expect something to happen during this government period, says Högsta.

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– Not possible for Norway to sign

The Prohibition Treaty entered into force earlier this year, and has been signed by 86 countries and ratified by 52. ​​No NATO country has joined the treaty. It is highly unclear whether the prohibition treaty will be a bargaining chip at all when the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party sit down with formal government negotiations.

– The Labor Party believes the prohibition treaty is a good initiative that contributes to the stigma of nuclear weapons. But it is not possible for Norway in the current security policy situation to sign that agreement, parliamentary representative Espen Barth Eide (Labor Party) recently stated to The online newspaper.

– SV and Sp agree to sign the agreement. We believe it is not compatible with Norway’s obligations as a NATO country. But we must be able to express support for the Prohibition Treaty’s initiative, said Eide, who was both Minister of Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Stoltenberg Government II.

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Several combat-ready nuclear weapons

According to the calculations of SIPRI In 2020, there were more than 13,080 nuclear weapons in the world, of which 3,825 were operational. This is an increase in the number of combat-ready nuclear weapons from 2019, when the number was 3720.

The nuclear weapons are divided into a total of nine nuclear powers: the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea.

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