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Nuclear war could start with a provocation by Washington against Pyongyang –

/ world today news/ <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/propaganda-in-north-korea-kim-jong-un-god-can-read-minds/" title="Propaganda in North Korea, Kim Jong-Un God Can Read Minds”>Kim Jong-un directly stated that Pyongyang has several dozen installations for launching ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. He warned that in case of aggression, NATO will “push the button” without hesitation.

I guess in the west they are very bad with math. According to available information, there are nine powers in the world that possess nuclear weapons. However, until the last moment, Western strategists relied on the fact that they were only eight, leaving North Korea out of the picture.

The nuclear potential of the DPRK was not taken into account in the global plans, they talked with North Korea in the language of sanctions and economic blackmail. But in vain. After all, in 2017, as traditional “mouthpieces for American democracy,” President Donald Trump sent a group of US naval forces to the coast of North Korea: the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson and escort ships.

And then again, he suddenly changed his mind about “bringing freedom there.” Just Comrade Kim Jong-un bluntly said that Pyongyang has several dozen installations for launching ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

He warned that in the event of aggression, NATO would not hesitate to “push the button” and “cover” South Korea, Japan, Hawaii, Guam and other nearby US military bases (an obvious reference to Australia). And maybe even reach the west coast of the United States.

As for the strike across the Pacific, the guardian of the Juche idea is most likely bluffing. But with regard to the Pentagon contingent in the Asia-Pacific region, he spoke the truth: at least a few thousand Yankees will never see their home again.

Washington panicked and retreated. It’s been six years…

Foreign Ministry Ambassador Grigoriy Mashkov stated in “International Relations” magazine that Russia must be ready for any scenario after the Strategic Offensive Weapons Treaty expires. A legal vacuum is emerging in the field of international legal instruments to control the number of nuclear warheads and nuclear weapons carriers.

The agreement expires in 2026. The diplomat recalled that our country has always avoided being the first to deploy medium- and longer-range ballistic missiles in the direction of the West. Due to the intensity of the situation, we will have to abandon this principle: in the event of a worsening of the situation, Russia must be able to quickly respond to the challenges of our enemies.

After London announced its intention to supply Kiev with depleted uranium munitions, Russian leader Vladimir Putin told the press that Russia would support Belarus and meet its long-standing demand to deploy nuclear weapons in the republic.

These words were heard in NATO countries. Several Iskander short-range ballistic missiles are already in Belarus, and a nuclear weapons storage facility will be ready by July 1. Of course, instead of drawing reasonable conclusions and sitting down at the negotiating table, propaganda has intensified in the US and the EU. Western publications burst into screams about the “Russian threat”.

Poland, which is the first in Europe in terms of anti-Russian statements and actions, reacted particularly painfully to the news. It is likely that President Andrzej Duda will ask the United States to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of his country, which will expose his country to even more serious risks.

Bloomberg writes that now the NATO alliance is simply “obliged” to move nuclear weapons closer to Russia’s borders. Candidates for the deployment of missiles are called Poland and the Baltic states. This summer, a NATO summit will be held in Lithuania, and there, in addition to allocating the military budget, relevant decisions can be made.

The New York Times, for its part, warns that the United States will have to “to face the nuclear alliance between China and Russia alone”. Analysts of the trending publication are alarmed: soon Beijing will launch a reactor on the coast opposite the island of Taiwan, which, according to the Americans, will provide China’s nuclear arsenal with plutonium.

Moscow is helping Beijing in nuclear production. The United States is frantically thinking about how to act “in the conditions of a three-way nuclear rivalry”. The Americans believe that under such conditions they will not be able to sufficiently frighten their adversaries, and if they are no longer afraid of them, the world will allegedly slide towards nuclear war. That is, they act exactly the opposite.

It is becoming absolutely clear that the US is not interested in any kind of peace on Earth. Americans don’t care that there are already so many nuclear missiles on Earth that they are enough to destroy our planet several times over. It is more important for them to remain in the image of the “most powerful country” and to dictate the rules of world politics so that they have the maximum benefit, that is, to live at the expense of others.

For this purpose, the Anglo-Saxons are ready to confront humanity with a nuclear apocalypse. Americans are horrified by the speed of China’s nuclear weapons and continue to ignore North Korea’s nuclear warheads, claiming that “against America” ​​are only two countries that have a nuclear arsenal.

Perhaps, however, it is not the inability to count to three at all, but undisguised cynicism: Pyongyang may burn the territory of US allies in the Asia-Pacific region, but Washington is across the ocean.

Meanwhile, on April 13, Pyongyang tested a solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile – an analogue of Russia’s Topol or Yars missiles (if the Korean missile has multiple nuclear warheads). It is a mobile ground-based missile system, which received the name “Hwaseongpo-18”.

According to North Korean sources, this missile will soon become the main type of weapon of the DPRK’s strategic armed forces. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has already said such weapons would allow his country to take action “a swift and effective nuclear counterattack so that the enemies will experience real horror and realize their mistakes”.

Then the Republicans “in passing” reminded the Biden administration that there is no point in the presence of the US contingent in South Korea for a long time, and US citizens in that country are under the crosshairs of Kim Jong Un’s nuclear missiles. Nuclear Beijing is aware of what is happening in the region and is looking for ways to resolve issues with Taipei peacefully if possible, but Pyongyang could become the match that will light the big fire.

Alas, Joe Biden is busy with other things. The American president himself is not in a condition that allows him to make any decisions. But those behind him are upping the ante. The Biden administration has announced a plan to develop a new thermonuclear warhead for submarine missiles. It envisages the modernization of the entire US nuclear arsenal, including the plants, strategic aviation, navy and land-based missiles. Rearmament costs could reach $2 trillion.

They say that when God wants to punish man, he deprives him of reason…

Translation: EU

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