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NTT Docomo Introduces New Rate Plans: Irumo and Eximo to Prevent Customer Attrition and Appeal to Seniors

NTT Docomo, one of Japan’s leading mobile network operators, has announced the launch of two new rate plans, “irumo” and “eximo,” starting from July 1st. The move comes as a response to the increasing number of Docomo users who have been switching to other companies such as UQ Mobile and Ymobile due to the high prices of the existing plan, “Gigalight.”

The Gigalight plan, designed for users who do not require large data capacities, has been criticized for its expensive pricing compared to the amount of data offered. In an effort to retain these customers, Docomo has introduced the irumo plan, which provides data capacities of 0.5GB, 3GB, 6GB, and 9GB.

To promote the new rate plans, Docomo has enlisted the popular actress Satomi Ishihara, who previously appeared in commercials for the “OCN Mobile ONE” plan. In the irumo commercial, Ishihara is seen transitioning from her blue attire, representing OCN Mobile ONE, to green, the image color of irumo. This transition symbolizes the succession of irumo as the new rate plan offered by Docomo.

OCN Mobile ONE was previously operated by NTT Communications as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO). However, the business was transferred to NTT Resonant, a subsidiary of Docomo specializing in corporate services. With the upcoming merger of NTT Resonant and Docomo on July 1st, irumo is being introduced as a renewed rate plan under the Docomo brand, replacing the MVNO model.

One of the key selling points of irumo is its appeal to seniors who have a strong trust in the Docomo brand. During the presentation of the new billing plan, Docomo emphasized the “thorough support at docomo shops” that irumo offers. This is in contrast to OCN Mobile ONE, which faced difficulties in providing support as an MVNO. Additionally, since OCN Mobile ONE was not an official Docomo rate plan, users had to go through the hassle of canceling their Docomo subscription and then subscribing to OCN Mobile ONE. With irumo being an official Docomo rate plan, users can easily switch without any complications.

The introduction of irumo and eximo reflects Docomo’s commitment to meeting the diverse needs of its customers and providing them with more affordable and flexible options. With the support of the trusted Docomo brand and the convenience of switching plans, it is expected that irumo will attract a significant number of users and help Docomo regain its market share in the mobile industry.

What additional features and services are included in the “eximo” plan to attract heavy data users and differentiate it from other plans in the market

As introduced the new “irumo” and “eximo” plans, which aim to offer more affordable options to users.

The “irumo” plan is targeted towards customers who require a small amount of data usage, such as elderly citizens or users who mainly use their mobile devices for voice calls and basic messaging. This plan includes a limited data usage allowance at a reduced price, making it more accessible for low-data users.

On the other hand, the “eximo” plan is designed for users who require higher data capacities. With this plan, customers can enjoy larger data allowances at a competitive price, making it a more attractive option for heavy data users. The plan also includes various additional services such as unlimited calling and free access to over 30,000 Wi-Fi spots nationwide.

By introducing these new rate plans, NTT Docomo aims to cater to a wider range of customers and meet their varying needs. The company is optimistic that these options will help retain customers and attract new ones in response to the growing competition in the market.

NTT Docomo’s decision to launch these new rate plans is a strategic move considering the recent trend of users switching to other mobile network operators. Competitors like UQ Mobile and Ymobile have been successful in attracting customers with their more affordable plans. In order to stay competitive, it is crucial for NTT Docomo to offer appealing options that not only meet the needs of their current users but also capture the interest of potential customers.

Overall, the launch of the “irumo” and “eximo” plans by NTT Docomo demonstrates their commitment to adapting to the changing market landscape and meeting the demands of their customers. With these new options, users can now choose plans that best suit their usage requirements and budget, resulting in a more satisfying mobile experience.

2 thoughts on “NTT Docomo Introduces New Rate Plans: Irumo and Eximo to Prevent Customer Attrition and Appeal to Seniors”

  1. NTT Docomo’s new rate plans, Irumo and Eximo, are a smart move towards preventing customer attrition and catering to the senior population. By acknowledging the unique needs of seniors, they are making their services more inclusive and accessible. Kudos to NTT Docomo for staying ahead of the game!

  2. This new move by NTT Docomo to introduce the Irumo and Eximo rate plans demonstrates their commitment towards preventing customer attrition and catering to the specific needs of seniors. A great initiative to ensure customer satisfaction and maintain a loyal user base.


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