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NTB Provincial Government Increases Awareness and Early Detection of Monkey Pox Cases: Lalu Hamzi Fikri (RATNA/RADAR LOMBOK)


MATARAM—The NTB Provincial Government has increased awareness and early detection of Monkey Pox (MPOX) cases in all districts/cities in NTB. This follows a report that a 22 year old woman, from Labulia Village, Jonggat District, was suspected of experiencing symptoms of monkey pox. No. “Stay alert and wish you good health,” said the Head of the NTB Provincial Health Service (Dikes), Dr. H. Lalu Hamzi Fikri, MM.MARS in Mataram, Thursday (9/11).

The former General Director (Dirut) of RSUP NTB explained the symptoms of monkey pox experienced by this 22 year old woman. It was said that on Saturday (21/10), the patient complained of swelling in his lips. Then on Sunday (22/10), clear fluid came out, although it was not painful, it felt hard in the area affected by the wound. Then on Monday (23/10) morning, the patient went to the Ubung Community Health Center to receive treatment. But because it didn’t improve, two days later, the patient came back to the Ubung Community Health Center for control, who was then referred to the Patut Patuh Patju Gerung Hospital in West Lombok Regency. “At this hospital the patient has been given medicine, and the wound has healed. cleaned, and started to dry,” said Fikri.
It’s just five days after returning from the Patut Patuh Patju Gerung Hospital. The patient felt short of breath again, red spots appeared on his back, arms, legs and lips. Then on Monday (30/10), the patient was referred to the NTB Provincial General Hospital (RSUP), but the patient’s family chose to self-isolate. “The patient’s current condition has improved, meaning he is healthy, and is currently in self-isolation at home under the supervision of the Community Health Center,” he explained.

Nevertheless, the Health Department, said Fikri, continues to make various efforts, including to anticipate the spread of Monkey Pox (MPOX) cases in NTB. Starting from maximizing coordination with the Central Lombok District Health Service and also the Ubung Community Health Center. No less important is carrying out case management with symptomatic treatment, monitoring the progress of patient cases, communicating risks to patients so that they do not have much contact with other people and carrying out isolation in an orderly manner, carrying out strict monitoring or surveillance in the health center area, as well as preparing specimen collection equipment (VTM). ).Previously, the Head of the Central Lombok Health Department, Suardi, admitted that he had received reports regarding the symptoms of monkey pox affecting his residents. However, his party has not dared to confirm whether it is monkey pox or not because the Health Department will continue to investigate it. “We have received reports but this is still a suspect and it is not certain that it is monkey pox but from the signs and symptoms there are indeed similarities, such as enlarged lymph nodes and then fever with a temperature of up to 38 degrees and red spots. “That’s why we are still carrying out investigations first,” said Suardi. He emphasized that the suspected residents are still isolating so that the disease they suffer from is not contagious. Isolation is carried out while an investigation is carried out by surveillance personnel. Dikes also appealed to the public to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent this disease from spreading.
“So this is just an indication, and we are still carrying out epidemiological investigations to find out when, where and who was affected. “We hope that the public will continue to anticipate the spread of monkey pox, of course by using PPE,” he stressed. (rat)

2023-11-11 07:30:10
#Beware #Monkey #Pox #Disease #NTB

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