An administrative agreement was signed on the occasion of President Yoon’s state visit to the UAE… Export permit shortened by up to 180 days
[원자력안전위원회 페이스북 캡처]
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kyu-Jin Oh = The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission announced on the 15th that it had signed an administrative agreement with the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Agency (FANR), the UAE’s nuclear regulatory body.
The NSSC and FANR can bypass the government guarantee process through the foreign ministries of both countries and directly handle export permits through information exchange between regulatory agencies.
The NSSC expected that it would shorten the 60 to 180 days required to approve exports of nuclear fuel supply business and nuclear power plant maintenance business.
The administrative agreement was signed on the occasion of President Yoon Seok-yeol’s state visit to the UAE.
Previously, Korea and the UAE signed a cooperation agreement with the NSSC-FANR with the export of the Barakah nuclear power plant in 2011, and regularly hold meetings to share the current status of nuclear facility operation and regulatory experience.
“We expect that cooperation between the two organizations will be further strengthened in the future,” said Yoo Kook-hee, chairman of the original plan.
Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2023/01/15 20:39 Sent