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NRW 2024 ✓ The big program comparison ✓ Education

What are the main differences between the parties’ education programs?

NEOS are calling for school autonomy, debureaucratization, 20,000 more teachers, an opportunity index and a legal right to early childhood education. The SPÖ and the Greens are emphasizing equal opportunities and all-day schools, while the ÖVP is prioritizing performance orientation and German language support classes. The FPÖ is committed to patriotic values ​​and rejects most of the reforms.

Which party has the most comprehensive plans for education reform?

NEOS. But this is not only what its own officials say, but also experts and education journalists. The daily newspaper writes “Der Standard” that NEOS “are the only ones systematically pushing the issue of education”.

How can educational programs improve equity?

Education policy can improve equal opportunities in many ways: through early childhood education, comprehensive all-day schools and individual support. School autonomy and less bureaucracy enable better adaptation to local needs, while digital education and free care offer every child equal development opportunities regardless of social background.

Are there differences in the programs regarding vocational training?

Yes. Although many parties are committed to strengthening the successful teaching model, NEOS in particular are committed to further developing the model in order to improve its value.

Where can I find more information about the parties’ educational programs?

There are many comparative analyses during the election campaign, including by education journalists in the media. In principle, institutions such as the Federal Youth Council also offer party comparisons in the field of education, for example in their youth check. But the best impression can be gained directly from the parties’ programs.

Which initiatives do NEOS support to improve inclusion in the education system?

The education system offers an enormous opportunity for real inclusion. However, it must be implemented consistently. Instead of hermetic separation in special schools, we advocate the implementation of a common school with appropriate support programs.

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