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NRK Christmas Calendar “Snøfall 2” Controversy

The first season of the Christmas calendar came in 2016. Trond Høvik (tv) plays Santa Claus, Scott Philip Davis Brodtkorb plays the new character Noah and Siri Skjeggedal plays Selma. Photo: NRK

Since the publication of the Christmas calendar “Snøfall 2”, NRK has received 38 complaints. “Too heavy a theme for small children’s eyes”, reads one of the complaints.


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The countdown to Christmas Eve has started, and several Christmas calendars are back on the TV screen.

The second season of “Snøfall” is among them, and has also become a viewer success for NRK. This time the plot largely revolves around ten-year-old Noah, who has a mother with cancer.

Several people have reacted to this. Thursday wrote The daily newspaper that NRK had received 38 inquiries in total, of which 16 were complaints. Several of these complaints deal with the fact that cancer is a topic.

On Friday, VG was informed that a further 39 inquiries had been received, and among them there were 22 complaints.

One complaint points out that it is a “heavy topic for small children’s eyes”, while another writes that children “need breaks from the bad and sad”. A third have had to refuse their children to watch the series at home.

CHRISTMAS CALENDAR: Vidar Magnussen is also in season two with the character Winter. Photo: Lena Saugen / NRK

– Triggers anxiety

Former breast cancer patient and mother of two Birte Pitzner from Bærum is among those reacting to this year’s NRK Christmas calendar.

She advises her children not to watch “Snøfall 2” alone.

– A Christmas calendar should be something cozy. A program for fantasies and dreams. It shouldn’t have anything to do with cancer, she says to VG.

– Do you think there could be something nice about showing this side of life, then?

– No, I believe that if the subject of cancer is to be brought up first, this should be done in a different format – where you are informed in advance about what is to come. Everything doesn’t have to be so educational and overly educational. You must also be able to have a Christmas calendar that is just nice, she explains.

MOTHER: Birte Pitzner believes that Christmas calendars should have nothing to do with cancer. Here with his son. Photo: Private / Used with permission

Pitzner also points out that many children look at the Christmas calendar at school and at SFO, where they cannot always discuss the content with adults.

– The series triggers anxiety in the children. My children were done thinking about cancer, but after watching the series it has come up again.

NRK: – Sad

– The fact that someone is unable to watch “Snøfall 2” because the content is too demanding is of course sad, writes Hege Waagbø, NRK’s ​​producer for the series, in an e-mail to VG.

Several of the inquiries NRK has received about the Christmas calendar also include praise for highlighting an important topic such as cancer.

– We read all the complaints that have come in and have seen that there is a lot of involvement in social media. The commitment shows that this is a topic that means a lot to a lot of people, Waagbø believes.

According to the producer, NRK was in contact with the Cancer Society to make “Snøfall 2” in a good way.

– The principle of transparency applies to a great deal of the content we create in NRK Super. We want to entertain children, but we also want to give children tools so that they can more easily understand themselves and deal with the world we are all a part of.


Published: 09.12.23 at 11:12

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2023-12-09 10:12:59
#Criticizes #Snøfall #series #triggers #anxiety

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