A new radio single and also a video clip have been released by the music association “Nowhere in Space”. It is called “More” and was created together with singer Kaspars Zlidnis.
The core of the musical association “Nowhere In Space” is Ronalds Briežkalns and Kārlis Sanders, and both tend to collaborate with invited musicians and vocalists, as was the case with the successful singles “Mirklis” and “Anywhere”, when the singer was Robert Memmēns. The single “More”, co-produced with Kaspars Zlidnis, is included in the soundtrack for the documentary “Gentlemen’s Code”, can be listened to on major streaming services and domestic radio stations, but the video can be viewed on the Internet service “YouTube”. “The song” More “is about the inner world of man,” says singer Kaspars Zlidnis. “About the ability to look inside and discover that everything that happens in the outside world is a reflection of your thoughts, emotions, words and attitudes.”
Actress Elīna Bojarkina also participates in the clip, who admits: “It is a pleasure that people create and do not stop even in these difficult times. The song and the clip talk about very topical topics. The idea of working together took my thoughts and feelings to a new level. The mixing of everyday and dream world is something I have thought about myself. Where, then, does the dream world really end and reality begin? ” The video was directed by Reinis Janulis, who says about his work: “It describes everyone’s desire to understand the world around them. For some it is more abstract, for others it is more colorful, sometimes tormenting and unfair. Therefore, the two parallel story lines at the end of the video lead to a unifying element, which is played with the help of the main actress. This time, the clip reinforces the already strong idea of the song as much as possible. ”