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Now you can learn how to send a note in Instagram DM

In fact, a technology He never sleeps. Instagram recently launched a new tool. It is now possible, via DM notes, to send quick messages to all followers with texts of up to 60 characters and lasting 24 hours. You can reply to notes in direct conversation. If you no longer want to see your followers’ notes, simply deactivate the accounts.

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DM notes and other Instagram updates

Find out now some important information about the update:

1. How to create a note in DM do Instagram

If you want to enter the trend and pin a note in the DM, just access the list of direct messages by clicking on the conversation bubble or swiping the screen to the left. Press the “+” icon above your profile picture.

From there, the field will be available for you to type a message of up to 60 characters. Then tap share. Both with all followers and only with best friends. You can edit or delete it by tapping on the profile picture itself. Messages are available for 24 hours.

2. How to reply to a note on Instagram

Now, if you want to reply to a note from your followers, open the conversations tab of your app and tap on the person’s profile picture and soon the option to reply will appear. The response is sent as a message in Direct.

3. How to mute profile notes

If there’s someone you don’t want to see their notes, you can mute them. Just go to the message field on Instagram and tap on the person’s photo and hold your finger until the new menu option appears. Then select “Silence”.

A very important detail is that the application will not notify the person that you have deactivated it.

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