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Now they want to hit the Patrimonial house? What awaits us

That at this time of economic (as well as political) difficulties we can think of a new tax on House it would seem at least ‘paradoxical’, yet the hypothesis exists and is far from remote.

In fact, already last December, during the work in parliament, a provision had been issued with which the government would undertake “to insert a reform of the property taxes in force today in future legislative measures”. In fact, the idea that circulates is that of a new form of taxation on wealth – a sort of patrimonial – aimed at those who have a wealth greater than 500mila euro including assets such as the first home.

With 19 yes, six abstentions and 462 against, the Chamber blocked this measure on which, however, part of the Pd and of Leu could come back to charge. In recent days, for example, Nicola Fratoianni of Leu had written on facebook: “Even the Bank of Italy is in favor of a capital […] According to the institute, it would help redistribute wealth and encourage more productive use of resources, especially in a country with a high level of tax evasion such as, unfortunately, ours. And the risk of capital fleeing abroad, one of the strongest arguments of our detractors, would be reduced today thanks to the continuous exchange of information between tax administrations“.

However, to be affected by the assets, however, would be above all the middle class which would see “attacked” a primary asset whose value, in recent years, has been offset by speculation, scarce public investments in social and social housing and by a (perhaps desired ) inattention to the construction sector.

From Forza Italia the categorical no to the patrimonial hypothesis has already arrived, with Deborah Bergamini that – reiterating the positions already expressed by Giorgio Mulè – declared: “Cwhoever are responsible and wherever they are hidden, know that the new Conte government will propose the patrimonial. Fratoianni put it in black and white in the Chamber of Deputies. Those who have already lost a lot with the economic crisis will also take away what little remains with their assets. Forza Italia with President Berlusconi will not allow it. Defending the properties and savings of Italians, especially in a phase of great emergency like the one we are experiencing, is an imperative“.

But what it is and what could be the effects of a patrimonial on the house … let’s go in order

What is a patrimonial

The property is a tax that concerns both movable and immovable assets. The tax therefore concerns money, houses, shares, precious values, bonds and can “affect” individuals and legal entities.

It is defined as tax and not tax because it is paid not for a service received but for services that the State or public bodies correspond to the community. The assets can also be fixed or variable: in the first case it concerns all taxpayers for the same amount while, in the second case, it varies in relation to the assets.

Finally, this tax can be periodic – paid on a regular basis – or “extraordinary”, ie applied only once.

According to the data of the Cgia of Mestre relating to 2017, there were about fifteen assets including: car tax, stamp duty, RAI license fee, aircraft and boat tax, inheritance taxes, donations and financial transactions.

The value, also relative to 2017, was about 46 billion euros, of which property taxes have allowed the Treasury to collect 21.8 billion even considering that Italy is among the European countries with the highest ownership rates to date. part of households (over 70%, while in France they are 65%, in Germany 51%. Data AcerAssociation of Building Builders of Rome and the Province).

The idea of ​​acting with a property on the house, as reported in a previous article de IlGiornale.it, would arise from the intent to lighten the tax burden on workers by increasing, instead, taxes on consumption and wealth, “considered (we don’t know by whom. Ed.) less damaging to growth”.

In fact, this new one Imu above all it would affect the middle class essential to the recovery of the economy of our country, which is already taxed, on average, between 38 and 43%. A balance sheet, therefore, could represent an increase in expenditure with extremely negative effects on the portfolio of Italian families.

An increase in the taxation of an asset such as that of the house – declares Nicolò Rebecchini, president of the Association of Builders of Rome – ait would have a dangerous negative effect for families who often, with great sacrifice, bought their own home or that for their children”.

What house taxes already exist

Ownership of a home involves the payment of certain taxes including, in primis, the Imu (without forgetting Tasi, Tari). The single municipal tax grants exemption from payment for first homes with the exception of the following luxury properties only:

  • Cadastral category: A / 1; Type of property: Stately homes
  • Cadastral category: A / 8; Type of property: Homes in villas
  • Cadastral category A / 9; Type of property: Castles, palaces of outstanding artistic or historical value

According to the provisions of the 2020 Budget Law, the first home exemption also applies to appurtenances classified in cadastral categories C / 2, C / 6 and C / 7, up to a maximum of one unit per category.

The Mef has established that the rates for the first houses belonging to the cadastral categories A / 1, A / 8 and A / 9 are 5 per thousand with the right of the Municipalities to reduce or increase by 1 per thousand and to apply a further reduction of 200 euros.

On the second houses, on the other hand, a minimum rate of 8.6 per thousand is applied, which can reach up to 10.6 or further increased up to 11.4 by resolution of the Municipality which must establish the rates by February 28. The idea of ​​a reintegration of the Imu on the first home through an asset would therefore represent a real drain on the middle class, negative effects not only on the portfolio of families but on the entire economy.

Any assets on the house – declares Rebecchini – in addition to the negative repercussions on the economy in general, it would highlight a paradox: on the one hand, income for the tax authorities would increase due to higher taxation and, on the other hand, there would be a decrease in the same due to lower investments”. “Approaching the home with this method would highlight – continues President Acer – a confusion at the institutional level since, on the one hand, the State intervenes with tax incentives dedicated to families (superbonus), to allow the green transformation of real estate assets and, from otherwise, it would greatly reduce the impact with a taxation of the incentivized capital itself”.

What would be the effects of a property on the home

To understand the effects of a patrimonial on the house just do two calculations. Let’s take the big cities as an example where the cost of a house – even a small one – represents a huge expense.

Between the house owned, savings and everything else, the ceiling of 500 thousand euros would mean going to hit a large part of the Italian middle class that would have to pay a tax between 0.2-0.5% and 2% depending on the value of your assets.

Let’s take an example… Fabio and Maria live with their 2 children in Rome. She is a teacher and he is a trader and in the year they put together an income of about 60/70 thousand euros. A good income that allows him to live peacefully without excess. They are in communion of property and owners of 2 houses resulting from the efforts of the parents of both.

The house in Rome is 120 square meters; in the capital the average value (estimate Immobiliare.it) 3,241 € / m² and consequently their starting balance sheet would already be over 380 thousand euros. The house in which the spouses live was bought by his parents who paid the mortgage, the IMU on the second home – as long as it was theirs – and, finally, the donation.

Her parents, on the other hand, left her a house in the province; Maria’s property is worth about 100 thousand euros and the woman does not want to sell for emotional reasons despite the fact that, being a second home, she pays a lot of taxes.

Calculator in hand, the 500 thousand euros of total assets have already been reached and now, in addition to the very high taxes on Maria’s houses, even the first house will involve the obligation to pay a tax that could fluctuate between 0.2 / 0.5 % and 2%.

The time has come for Parliament to tackle a tax reform that sets out clearly and unequivocally what the objectives and strategies for the home are“, Concludes the president of the Ance di Roma:”In other words, the processes of regeneration of the existing heritage aimed at giving better safety and functionality of the houses, the redevelopment of the suburbs, to reduce social discomfort, are a strongly desired goal or are only facade declarations and then go in the opposite direction ?

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