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Now they have to break my legs again!


Mani Wu Nang Ta is one of the most interesting participants in the third season of “Games of Will: Bulgaria”, which everyone described as the least prepared in the form, but sent many times to battle, she returned as a winner with a proud head held high. She defeated everyone she faced, but after a contested battle with Paulina, Manny left the reality show, a candid person who looks the way she feels and always says what she thinks.

The word “no” does not exist for her, she admits that she is happy with her participation and did not expect to go so far, as the other participants surpass her with their physical data on power games. and she didn’t put on a mask, even if it didn’t appeal to those around her.

About the scandals and intrigues in “Games of Will: Bulgaria”

“I can’t call myself an intriguer because I don’t talk behind people’s backs. I told everyone what I thought directly about them. I tried to manipulate them and I think I succeeded, but that was part of my strategy.” denies the accusations made against her by the participants.

Strong character against poor physical training

When I entered, I learned that most of the participants had been preparing for the “Games” for a long time. For example, Nedelcho had been preparing to participate for 3 years. While I entered directly from work in the show. I don’t like it. When you watch it at home from the couch, everything seems easier. I applied as a joke, I was wondering if they would choose me. When they called me, because there was a period of 3 months, I even forgot about the application. “I decided to give it a try. In the second captain’s battle I asked myself what I was doing here. There was no going back and I said to myself that I would play while I could. As it turned out, even with a broken leg I continued to play,” he said. “Coffee” Manny.

“My leg is very bad and I can’t walk in high heels. It had to be plastered, I had to wear a splint for a long time, and I didn’t have that opportunity there. My injury is very big and now it has to break again. Despite the accusations, that I pretended I couldn’t move my thumb.

Defined as the weakest link

“I didn’t expect it, because I deal with a lot of men’s things in life outside. There’s no one to help me and I expected to do well in the show,” admits Manny, who, despite not being able to swim, managed to overcome herself. and he did. “At the beginning of the show at the Fighters, we were like a family, very close-knit, until we got to the first council. There they labeled me the” weakest link. ” I have told them many times that with this definition they should not expect anything good from me. I’ve never hidden that I don’t know many things, but with insults, this is not the way to motivate someone. Stoyan and Morunov demotivated me the most by pointing out my shortcomings. “

About the complicated relationship with Nedelcho

“We had a strong emotional connection with Nedelcho, who also criticized me. He said many times that if I was strong in the physical part, we would reach the final together. But unfortunately due to my poor preparation, he could not continue with me. “Every time he nominated me, he told me before, and he did it from a strategic point of view. He didn’t like it. I’m not angry with him and we’re friends outside. We hear and see most of the participants,” Manny said.

For the week spent in the “Adventurers” tribe

“Now that I look at it from the side, it seems to me that the Adventures’ attitude towards me has been a bit hypocritical, but despite everything, I am grateful to them. Many things are not visible on the screen. There are constant rumors and whispers, but this is normal, since they were one tribe and I was a newcomer. But this week, when I was with them, I rested from the constant muttering of the “Fighters” and that’s why I gave myself to the max. I did everything possible not to disappoint them and they, and they made strategies for me. and they asked me where I would do it, which is an honor for them, “commented the week spent in the other tribe.

Revelations and without pretense

“Paulina and I once went out together, had fun and said some things. For me, the game was over and I really forgot everything. Then we never heard from each other again. The moment we exchanged words at the elimination battle, I was angry. that Paulina backed away from the words she had uttered. It was a conversation to remove Simeon and I did not lie about any of my words. I say everything directly and there are records, but she was afraid of her tribe. “Contra, because our tribe had a good relationship. I did not keep quiet here in the battle in question. I am glad that I kept my composure,” Manny frankly admits his emotions.

Would you change anything in your game or attitude?

“I wouldn’t play the game differently, but I would hire a coach who would train me a little for endurance. I wouldn’t change my demeanor. I’m what you see, but only the bad side showed. I have positive sides. In the show. “We made pies, we had fun, but it didn’t air, unfortunately. But really, when someone steps on me, I’m what you see on the screen,” Manny said.

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