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Now the easing of the corona measures come into force – Southwest

On Monday, more cappuccini should be served in South Baden than last time: people are happy to relax. An unfamiliar normality is also returning to schools.

In Baden-Wrttemberg, further easing of the corona measures will come into effect on Monday. In regions with a seven-day incidence below 35, there is no compulsory test for a visit to the outdoor swimming pool, to the outdoor dining area or to cultural events. At the same time, outdoor concerts or theater performances with up to 750 participants are allowed. For this, the threshold of 35 must have been fallen below on five consecutive days. This affects the districts of Emmendingen, Waldshut, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, the Ortenaukreis and the city of Freiburg.

Up to 50 people can once again come together in the catering trade, both inside and outside. The prerequisite is a negative rapid test or proof of being vaccinated or recovered. There are also easing measures for regions with higher numbers of infections. The so-called opening level three can now be reached more quickly than before, namely on five consecutive days with an incidence below 50. This affects the district of Lrrach in South Baden.

After almost half a year of home schooling, hundreds of thousands of students in the south-west are about to return to the classroom. If the incidence in the urban and rural districts is stable below 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, then both primary schools and secondary schools are allowed to reopen their doors to all children and adolescents after the Whitsun holidays. In regions with an incidence over 50, there is alternating instruction in secondary schools.

Vaccination prioritization in Baden-Wrttemberg is completely eliminated

From June 21st, however, these schools should also go back to normal operations, even if the seven-day incidence in their district is still between 50 and 100. In addition, physical education is again possible subject to certain conditions.

At the beginning of the new week, vaccination prioritization in the south-west will also be completely gone. As a result, after the doctor’s practices, there is no longer any requirement in the vaccination centers as to who should be vaccinated as a priority. As the third pillar of the vaccination campaign, company doctors will also start nationwide with corona vaccinations in the future.

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