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Now Renzi is aiming for NATO: the moves to get the mandate

Matteo Renzi NATO secretary general? One year after the end of the mandate of Jens Stoltenberg, currently at the helm of the Atlantic Alliance, it is difficult to say whether the project will go through. The variables in the field are many. Certainly the former prime minister has placed an iron candidacy, guaranteeing the indirect support of even his opponents. The operation was carried out on a national scale, with a finite echo overseas. The birth of the Draghi government it has put Renzi back at the center of the political scene, who can now hope to forge the profile to lead the Atlantic Alliance. Because those in the White House will have appreciated the effort that has brought Italy back into an adamantine Atlanticism.

“In less than two years, sovereignties have come out reduced with Renzi’s political operations. First he ousted Salvini from the government and then led the 5 Stars back into a pro-European path anchored to the Atlantic Alliance “, tells a source to IlGiornale.it. “Renzi, having no internal consensus, had only one option: to bring Italy into the framework of normalization. Putting sovereign temptations on the sidelines and placing themselves as a bulwark of Atlanticism more than any other interlocutor “, they report to IlGiornale.it. The killing of Count 2 in favor of the birth of the Draghi executive, which now seems obvious, was greeted with pleasure by those who follow the Italian events on behalf of the USA. Moreover, even at the European chancelleries, the arrival of the former ECB president at Palazzo Chigi is seen as a positive element, stabilizing the Italian scenario. With all due respect to Conte.

Count fallen with Biden

“Conte fell when he was elected Biden”Is the synthesis of the reasoning. The timing is not accidental: the acceleration towards the government crisis occurred in December, a few weeks after Biden’s assertion. And this “did not happen for who knows what conspiracy”, is the meaning of the speech, but for a conjuncture of events favorable to Renzi. At that stage, the former leader of IV grasped the possibility of carving out a future in the international environment, finding a side in the White House, an interested spectator. Renzi often highlighted the change in the international context after the vote in the States, underlining the personal relationship with the number two of Barack Obama. If Conte had been to push him towards the NATO role, the chances would have been very low, practically nil. According to what was revealed by Renzi himself, the then prime minister, in a face-to-face, would have offered him the support to reach the coveted role in the Atlantic Alliance. But, in fact, it would not have been a sufficient guarantee for NATO partners. Starting with Biden, who has a broad say in the matter.

“The bond between Conte and Trump is too close, a phone call with his successor is not enough to redesign relations between countries”, they explain to IlGiornale.it. In short, that Giuseppi tweeted by the former US president was a boulder on Renzi’s path towards NATO. It has not escaped that the former Scrapper has pressed Conte precisely on foreign policy issues. Italia viva has attacked the premier’s line, initially very shy about the clashes on Capitol Hill in early January. So he tweeted Michele Anzaldi, deputy of Iv: “President Conte, who said ‘my government and the Trump administration are both governments of change’, would have done well to condemn the assault by Trump supporters on the US Congress much more strongly. It is not simple ‘violence’ but an armed coup attempt“. Harsh words, written in black and white by a Renzismo pasdaran. The leader of IV pushed his people to point out that the former people’s lawyer had not expressed great joy at the victory of the Democrats in the US. L’escalation of tension reached its peak, when Renzi asked for a “clarification” on the visit of the then Minister of Justice of the Trump administration, William Barr, in 2019. An old story withdrawn at the first useful moment.

Enemies that push Renzi to NATO

This is why a change in the government was needed: it would be quite another thing if Draghi were to push Renzi for the position at NATO in a context of Italy fully faithful to the Atlantic pact. With the weakened sovereignists. Of course there remains a knot, and what a knot, to untie: the large patrol of opponents that the former Scrapper has against him. Everyone will want to block the way to the “enemy”, you can think. But no. “It would be the perfect opportunity”, they tell IlGiornale.it, “to get him out of the way for a few years. A dream for the Democratic Party “. Also because there would be the screen of the “reason for the country”. Appoint an Italian to the NATO command bridge.

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