Home » News » Now or never! can be seen in Transylvanian cities as of March 15. the movie

Now or never! can be seen in Transylvanian cities as of March 15. the movie

In the Hungarian historical adventure film set on March 15, 1848, alongside the main characters Nándor Berettyan (Sándor Petőfi) and Sára Mosolygó (Júlia Szendrey), Balázs Koltai-Nagy (Mór Jókai), Tibor Fehér (Pál Vasvári), Ottó Lajos Horváth ( Farkasch, the secret agent), Gábor Jászberényi (Meyer, the robber leader), Sándor Lukács (General Ignaz von Lederer), Sándor Nagy (Emich Gusztáv) and Béla Szerednyey (Lajos Landerer).

The director of the film is Balázs Lóth, the screenwriters are Márk Kis-Szabó, Philip Rákay and Szente Vajk. Producers: Péter Fülöp, Zoltán Csincsi, László Kriskó and Philip Rákay. Cinematographer Tamás Dobos, music composed by Róbert Gulya.

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