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Now on Spotify the new It’s all About

Tlaxcala. Today March 12 «It’s all About» is releasing their new single “Soñando Basta”; a composition by José Ramiro Hernández Villarreal and Pony Records; in the Mix and Master is Dr. Oz and the cover credit is to Néstor Ovilla (Crab / Illustration).

The creative process of “Soñando Basta”

“We started doing the song last year; We started it in October, we started with many ideas, many models; The idea was to remove each one of them about a month and a half, two months apart. So, that song we already brought it from now on. This song took us about a month or month and a half to finish. The recording was part of January ”; Ramiro tells us.

Ramiro tells us that the rhythm of the songs is changing, everything goes lower with this new single. At the beginning they brought a more active rhythm; now with “Soñando Basta” it is a calmer rhythm. “I guess it’s because of the pandemic” he shares.

What does the single want to convey?

Ramiro tells us: We try to make a story in the songs; we seek to put a character on it, the idea is to make a story with this character. The first song we released “Memories Go” is about a guy trying to free himself from a memory, like trying to catch someone’s heart.

From there comes the following song “Home” where we use the same character and it is a little more about how your home changes, the image goes from how everything is playing in a happy forest and then in the other, the forest is all destroyed.

Continuing with “Soñando Basta”; This is like the count of those two songs; the character is devastated in many ways and dreaming is not enough for him; He does not know what he wants; he wants to find that which fills him.

In the same way, he shares that everything he expresses is always dedicated to many people; It is not only directed to a specific person, but to several; to anyone who feels identified with the song. This is about everything and everyone.

The Difficulty of Creation

The difficult thing is always economics, Ramiro tells us, “it is always what is going to hit us”; For example, when making an image, the mix entails expenses. Even that was what stopped us from getting the song out. Without neglecting, the pandemic that plays an important role in production and creation, being at a distance and in confinement, makes the process more difficult.

Futuros proyectos para «It’s all About»

We have many jobs on the doorstep; We are working on the single room, in fact we already have it, it is only necessary to choose it among several models that we have. We will be working on Blunt-Fest Vol.1; that it is an online Fest, put together by “La Bóveda”. In the future there are also collaborations with the Dakotta band; We made an album of 5 songs that will start coming out in a month one by one. I also want to do a collaboration with some friends from CDMX, but that is a bit slow. Right now what I want is to finish the album and start spreading it with some little online gigs.

He also shared with us that the musical aspect in Tlaxcala; For 10 years that he has been immersed in this field, the creation of bands was more for fun and having a good time, he did not take himself very seriously. However, with the passage of time the musical field has been taking seriousness, formality; it is beginning to be seen as a business, an investment and a project.

Dreaming… The creation of «It’s all About»

“It’s all About” (Rami) is an indie / rock / pop music project that started in late 2014, early 2015; It comes from many personal ideas, while Rami was part of the Mustache band. Alternated with this band, he recorded a demo of 5 songs giving rise to the album “Santiago” songs that marked different stages of his life.

When he finished with Mustache, he began to play this project with friendly bands (The Sicool-Dakotta) show with songs that he thought he would never play; however, doors were opened sharing the stage with various bands.

Rami is a boy who is passionate about music; In his spare time, he spent it making homemade models with headphones of ideas that occurred to him; after having several songs ready and wanting to share them with people; began the project called “It’s all About” uniting various members of excellent Tlaxcala proposals in the musical field.

“It is a job done in Tlaxcala. Sometimes we think that a song is something very easy; but when you see the whole process behind it, all the hours you dedicate to it, the days when you feel terrible and you think it won’t work; the days that you go with everything. Listen not only to mine, but to everyone’s; because in the end it is an honest job. Listen to my music on all the networks ”.

FB: itsallabout.tlax


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