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Now Gaudio also resigns: Calabria is sinking into chaos

Healthcare in Calabria it ends up in chaos more and more due to the endless messes that the government cannot avoid. Just in the last few hours the Giallorossi had designated Eugenio Gaudio as the new commissioner, but suddenly the resignation of the post came. “My wife has no plans to move to Catanzaro. A job like this must be faced with the utmost commitment and I have no intention of opening a family crisis“, explained the former rector of La Sapienza. He made it known in an interview with The Republic, declaring that anxiety for a position so different from that of a doctor is not the real motivation behind the choice: “It would be an important challenge, but family for me is a primary value“.

Investigated as part of the investigation into rigged competitions at the university, Gaudio said he was very impressed “from the barbarism of politics“And he took the opportunity to announce that the Catania prosecutor has just let his lawyer know that he had gone to file the request for archiving for the alleged disturbance in competitions. “I leave it as I entered, clean. I have always lived like this and seeing myself pulled into a judicial investigation for some phone calls in which I say that I do not interfere, yes, it hurt me“, he confessed.

Brother Roberto atAnsa revealed that yesterday he had reserved the right to decide. So the appointment had been given for certain but he hadn’t actually accepted yet: “We had doubts because for my brother it meant leaving his life in Rome and moving here to Calabria“.

The government mess

The executive made a real disaster. General Xavier Cotticelli he had resigned after the sensational fool, only discovering on television that he had to deal with the Coronavirus plan. The government had then relied on Joseph Weather in Zuccatelli, who, however, had become the protagonist of a video – published exclusively by ilGiornale.it – in which he claimed the uselessness of masks and that to catch Covid-19 you have to insert the tongue in the mouth of a positive for 15 minutes. The health manager then resigned and at that point the Giallorossi had decided to focus on Gaudio, perhaps in tandem with Gino Street. Thus the Region loses its third commissioner in just two weeks.

The choice was officially announced following a recent and long conversation with Roberto Speranza. “Calabria increasingly red, with anger and shame“, the white grill Laura Granato thundered in the morning 5 Star Movement had threatened not to vote on the Calabria decree: “Today, as far as I am concerned, there are no conditions to be able to vote on the conversion in the Chamber“.

“Now via Hope”

Political reactions were not long in coming. Many are wondering what still has to happen for the executive to draw the consequences of the chaos generated. According to Anna Maria Bernini of Come on Italy this is yet another demonstration of the “mix of improvisation and incompetence, between grotesque choices and unlikely miraculous solutions such as that of Gino Strada“. Therefore, the president of the Italian senators proposes to put an end to the commissioner, restoring control of its health facilities to Calabria.”By now the government has lost its way, and not only in Calabria“, he concluded. There is no lack of comment from the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, who comes to ask the head of the Minister of Health: “Via Cotticelli, via Zuccatelli, now via Gaudio. We are waiting for Hope to go away“.

It has and discontent they also occur within the same Giallorossi majority. “The government does not waste any more time and appoints a Calabrian health commissioner who has the skills, qualities and courage to guarantee the Calabrians the right to health, good care, legality and transparency in the offices“, is the invitation of the pentastellato deputy Paolo Parentela sardine take advantage of the moment to relaunch Gino Strada’s profile: “Eugenio Gaudio is also about to renounce the post of Calabrian health commissioner. You got three out of three wrong. Now maybe you will listen to us“.

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