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Now available: Microsoft Teams’ updated version for Windows.

As speculated a few weeks back, Microsoft has officially announced a new version of Microsoft Teams for Windows desktop users. now available in public preview, not only brings with it a host of new features, but also offers significant performance improvements. Don’t wait any longer to try it and improve collaboration in your team!

In a company blog post, Microsoft has revealed that it used an independent testing team, GigaOmto assess the performance of the new Windows Teams app compared to the previous version.

New Microsoft Teams for Windows

The new version of Microsoft Teams for desktop is now official

The results are impressive, showing significant improvements in several key areas, as listed below:

  1. Application launch up to 2 times faster.
  2. Users will join meetings up to 2x faster.
  3. Chat/channel changes up to 1.7 times faster.
  4. It consumes up to 50% less memory.
  5. It consumes up to 70% less disk space.

In addition to programming improvements that have led to faster performance, Microsoft has announced that the updated Teams app for Windows It introduces numerous improvements and new features.

Some of these improvements are focused on simplifying the use of Teams and making team collaboration easier and more effective than ever, these are:

  1. Optimized actions: The new version has less clutter, making notifications, search, messages, and channels simpler. Now it’s easier to stay focused on what’s important.
  2. Personalized experiences: Users can now enjoy threaded conversations, customizable group chats, and interactive emojis. These new features provide more expressive and personalized collaboration.
  3. Simplified meetings: Updates to the pre-join experience, gallery view, and screen sharing remove barriers to effective meetings. Now it’s easier for users to join a meeting and collaborate effectively.
New Microsoft Teams for Windows
New Microsoft Teams for Windows

The latest improvements in Microsoft Teams will also allow users to stay connected to the app, even if they use it with different accounts and organizations. Additionally, users will be able to receive notifications across all of their Teams accounts directly in the app.

On the other hand, the Channels section in Microsoft Teams is also being updated with new features, including:

  • The compose box and recent posts will appear at the top of the page, making it easy to start a new post, keep up with and participate in the latest conversations.
  • Each post will become a real conversation that users can focus on. A conversation view can be navigated which makes the discussion more interesting and synchronous, similar to a chat. Also, you can open the post and follow the discussion while continuing to work on other topics.
New Microsoft Teams for Windows
New Microsoft Teams for Windows

Among the new features of the new equipment, it stands out Speaker Coach, which provides users with private feedback on their presentation skills in real time or after the meeting. Additionally, users can set their emergency location in Teams through the Calls app.

Lastly, users of macOS operating system will have the new version available at the end of this year, Microsoft expects Teams to be available to all users before the end of the year.

For more details on this information, please visit the Microsoft official publication.

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