Home » today » News » Now also bird flu in the Czech Republic, presumably due to water bird

Now also bird flu in the Czech Republic, presumably due to water bird

Bird flu has been detected on a farm in the Czech Republic. The virus was discovered at a poultry farm in the middle of the country. Twelve chickens were infected, half of them dead within two days. The rest of the poultry is being killed.

According to the Czech health authorities, the virus was probably spread by a water bird in the wild. Precautions have been taken to prevent animals from being contaminated in the area.

It is the first time in three years that the virus has been diagnosed in the Central European country. Bird flu has been detected in poultry in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Poland in recent weeks.

Chickens are not yet required

The Dutch poultry sector is afraid that the virus will also come to the Netherlands. The industry argued last week with Minister Schouten for a shedding obligation, but the minister does not think that is necessary yet. The situation will be reviewed on Monday. Schouten is concerned about the way in which the bird flu virus is spreading in Europe.

Measures are already being taken, such as extra cleaning and disinfecting, for example, trucks, but that is not enough in the poultry sector. He fears that wild birds will take the virus to the Netherlands.

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