Home » Entertainment » «Novoross. info»: Despite the sanctions and threats, Crimea was visited by a Bulgarian delegation – 2024-05-10 23:33:01

«Novoross. info»: Despite the sanctions and threats, Crimea was visited by a Bulgarian delegation – 2024-05-10 23:33:01

/ world today news/ world today news/ At the Eighth International Festival “Bulgarian Meetings”, despite the sanctions, famous scientists, political scientists, public figures and journalists arrived in Crimea from Bulgaria. The official opening of “Bulgarian Meetings” at the Crimean Federal University was also attended by a correspondent of “Novoross.info”.

The organizer of the festival, the chairman of the Public Organization “Regional Bulgarian National-Cultural Autonomy of the Republic of Crimea “Paisiy Hilendarski”” Ivan Abazher reminded that the first foreign delegation that visited Crimea (in 2015) “was an official Bulgarian delegation”: ” This was the moment when Crimea was first introduced to a European country. This shows that we are moving in the right direction. As Patriarch Kirill said recently: this is a country that plays a big role in the spiritual building of the Orthodox Slavs. Today we are working here on three sites, several round tables are planned.”

Among the first to speak was the Bulgarian professor Vanya Dobreva: “It is an honor for me to speak on behalf of the Bulgarian delegation. The world is such that today democracy has turned into a form of dictatorship. If we go back to antiquity and carefully read who Cyril and Methodius were, we will understand that their covenant and the basis of this culture that they founded is the right of all people to self-choice. This is the basis of our civilization. This is what connects us,” Vanya Dobreva believes.

At the conference, an important conversation took place about the fact that the alphabet created in Bulgaria once determined the civilizational choice of the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians) and today continues to be the force that unites us. We have common spiritual roots, we must protect them, restore them and strengthen ties, cooperate and support each other. Orthodoxy and the Cyrillic alphabet common to Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Belarus are under attack and need protection. Holding their breath, the conference participants listened to the speech of the Bulgarian public figure, journalist and publicist Velislava Dureva. “The war against Cyrillic is a war against every person’s choice. And the right of every person is to speak to God in his own language. Someone decided that God should only be spoken to in English. That God is only beyond the ocean. I want to share with you the sad experience of how they tried to fight the Cyrillic alphabet in Bulgaria. This struggle has been going on for a long time, but the opponents of the Cyrillic alphabet have not been able to achieve what they wanted,” says Velislava Dureva.

“According to the opponents of the Cyrillic alphabet, Saints Cyril and Methodius and Saint Prince Boris, the Baptist of Bulgaria, are the worst criminals, because they allegedly “torn the Bulgarian people from the civilized world and destroyed their European future”. According to them, the Cyrillic alphabet is a “Russian communist script”, “something foreign, inextricably linked to the ideas of concentration camps, Russian communism”, “the border that divides Europe between civilized and barbaric”. Cyrillic, according to them, is “the font of uncultured peoples and a synonym for garbage”. And more – “what is self-evident for a Latin-educated Europe is absolutely unattainable for a Cyrillic-educated Europe”. This is what they say: “Orthodox Slavs are spiritually destitute slaves!”, “Cyrillic is a communist heresy that still lives in textbooks”, “Cyrillic is to blame for the division of Europe”, so we must, they say, completely give it up from it and to switch to the Latin alphabet as quickly as possible in order to become civilized people”.

“All this is a war against the Orthodox spirit. Why is it being fought? Because Cyrillic is a civilization and Orthodoxy is a civilization that must disappear, that must not exist. Without alphabet, without church, without knowledge, without faith we are gone. We are neither in history, nor in the present day, nor in the future, because the Cyrillic alphabet and Orthodoxy are the future, not just the past,” Dureva added.

After the plenary session, the discussion continued in the House of Count Vorontsov, located in the Botanical Garden of KFU. They discussed topics related to the preservation of the monuments of Russian and Soviet soldiers abroad, the restoration of the memory of the Bulgarian anti-fascist heroes in the Crimea (Stoyanov brothers in Old Crimea, Marfovsko podpolie, the partisan commander Ivan Genov). Round tables were held on the topic: “Russia-Bulgaria: the role of public diplomacy in the development of cultural and business relations”. “Confrontation in Information Wars. The role of the media”.

Translation: world today news

Photo “Novoross. info”

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