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November 27 Events and people | The reason | free time


Philip. Crows hurt – melt. Cloudy skies or snow – for a stormy May.


1701 Anders CELSIUS, Swedish astronomer and physicist who proposed the temperature scale named after him in 1742. Died of tuberculosis.

1874 Chaim WEITZMANN, the first president of Israel. He was born in Belarus (Motol).

1894 Konosuke MATSUSHITA is a Japanese businessman and founder of Panasonic Corporation.

1903 Philip (Philip Semyonovich) PESTRAK, Belarusian poet and writer.

1939 Galina Aleksandrovna POLSKIKH, Soviet actress.

1940 Bruce LEE (LI ZHENFAN), Hong Kong actor, martial artist. In addition to his excellent control of his body, Lee was also good with his own brains – he graduated from university with a degree in philosophy. He lived for 33 years.

1942 Jimi (James MARSHALL) HENDRIX, American guitarist. He came up with the trick to set a guitar on fire on stage, and he remains the greatest lead guitarist in history, an amazing left-handed musician. He lived for 28 years.

[1945[1945 Victor Mikhailovich KOKLYUSHKIN, sgrìobhadair-aoir Ruiseanach. Bhàsaich coronavirus ann an 2021.

1953 Boris Borisovich GREBENSHIKOV, neach-ciùil Ruiseanach (“Aquarium”). Pòsda airson an treas uair.

1960 Yulia Vladimirovna TIMOSHENKO (nee GRIGIAN, an uairsin TELEGINA), neach-stàite na h-Ucrain, tagraiche airson saidheansan eaconamach. Dh’fhàg a h-athair an teaghlach nuair a bha Julia 3 bliadhna a dh’aois.

1961 Ekaterina Sergeevna ANDREEVA, preasantair Tbh ​​Ruiseanach. Tha Andreeva fhèin ag ràdh gun do rugadh i ann an 1965. Tha dà phòsadh aice, nighean, Natalya.

1963 Vladimir Lvovich MASHKOV, cleasaiche Ruiseanach. Tha a mhàthair Eadailteach. Pòsda airson a’ chòigeamh uair. Tha an nighean aige bhon chiad phòsadh aige, Maria, a ‘fuireach anns na SA agus dhiùlt i conaltradh ri a h-athair air sgàth a shuidheachadh catharra.

1979 Victoria Anatolyevna BONYA, preasantair Tbh ​​Ruiseanach agus modail de thùs Moldovan. A’ fuireach ann am Monaco, tha nighean aice, Angelina Letizia, bho mhac billeanair Èireannach.

1982 Alasdair Anatolyevich KERZHAKOV, cluicheadair ball-coise Ruiseanach, coidse. An sgorraiche as fheàrr ann an eachdraidh ball-coise na Ruis an latha an-diugh (233 tadhal). Tha dà phòsadh aige, dithis chloinne. Tha tonsillitis leantainneach aig Kerzhakov.


1582 Phòs W. SHAKESPEARE, 18-bliadhna, Anna HATHWAY, a bha 26 bliadhna a dh’aois.

1859 Co-là-breith cian-chonaltradh ann am Belarus. Chaidh a’ chiad loidhne teileagraf ann am Belarus, Minsk – Bobruisk, a chuir an gnìomh agus chaidh a’ chiad teileagraf a chuir à Minsk gu Bobruisk.

1895 Sgrìobh Alfred NOBEL an tiomnadh ainmeil aige ann am Paris, a thaisg e ann am banca ann an Stockholm. Nuair a chaochail e bliadhna an dèidh sin, thionndaidh e a-mach gun do stèidhich an innleachdair dynamite, a ‘cleachdadh an airgid a choisinn e bhuaithe, duaisean airson euchdan ann an raon fiosaig, ceimigeachd, leigheas agus eòlas-inntinn, litreachas agus airson gnìomhan cumail-sìthe a bha ag amas air buannachd na daonnachd. An-dràsta, is fhiach an Duais Nobel 10 millean kronor Suaineach (a-nis còrr air $ 1 millean).

1939 Ann an Sasainn, thòisich cinneasachadh gnìomhachais de polyethylene airson a’ chiad uair san t-saoghal.

1969 Rugadh na càraid as àirde san t-saoghal, Mìcheal agus Seumas LANIER, ann an Troy (USA), gach fear 223.5 cm a dh’àirde.

1970 Anns na Philippines, chaidh am Pàpa PAUL VI a leòn le biodag.

1971 Ràinig an stèisean fànais Sobhietach Mars-2 a’ phlanaid Mars. Cha b ‘urrainn don charbad teàrnaidh tighinn air tìr bog agus thuit e air uachdar a’ phlanaid, ach b ‘e fhathast a’ chiad rud bhon Talamh a thàinig air tìr air uachdar Mars.

2005 Anns an Fhraing, chaidh euslainteach 38-bliadhna Isabelle DINOIRE, a chaidh a bhìdeadh leis a’ chù aice fhèin, a’ chiad obair tar-chuir aghaidh san t-saoghal. Fhuair i aodann ùr bho bhoireannach a bha marbh. Chaochail Isabelle ann an 2016.

detail photograph

⁢ What ‌examples from the article highlight the importance of recognizing and celebrating the contributions of individuals from diverse⁢ fields, even ‌those who ​may not be widely known?

## Fact-Checking the Past: ​A Conversation about History, Science, and Beyond

This interview delves into the fascinating world of history, science, and culture showcased in the article you provided. We’ll ​be discussing notable events, individuals, and scientific breakthroughs, encouraging‌ a ⁢lively exchange of ‌perspectives.

Joining ⁢us ​are:

* **Dr. Evelyn Pierce:** Historian and expert in social and cultural trends.

* **Dr. Robert Lawson:** Science communicator and futurist, specializing⁣ in technological⁢ advancements.


**Host:** ⁣Welcome to our ⁣discussion, Dr. Pierce and Dr. Lawson. Today, we’ll be exploring the tapestry ‌of events ⁢woven into this​ compelling ‍article. Let’s begin by unpacking some of the historical milestones⁣ highlighted. Dr. Pierce, what strikes‍ you as particularly noteworthy about the individuals‍ highlighted ‌on this particular day in history?

**Section 1: Notable Individuals**

* **Host:** The article commemorates numerous ⁣births⁣ of figures who made significant contributions to their fields. Dr. Pierce, how do these individuals exemplify the spirit of innovation, creativity, and progress across different disciplines?

*​ **Host:** Dr. Lawson, many of these names are relatively unknown to the general public. ​How can​ we ensure that ‍the achievements of individuals from diverse fields are recognized and celebrated?

**Section⁣ 2: Scientific Discoveries and Technological Advancements**

* **Host:** From the ‌development of polyethylene​ to​ the ​Mars probe landing, the article presents a glimpse into scientific advancement. Dr. Lawson, how have these breakthroughs shaped our world, and what impact have they had⁣ on everyday life?

* **Host:** Dr. Pierce, how do⁣ societal values and ⁢cultural contexts ⁢influence scientific inquiry and the reception of new discoveries?

⁤ **Section 3: The Future of Innovation**

* **Host:** Dr. Lawson, reflecting on the achievements ‍of the past,​ where do you see the next wave of groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements heading?

* **Host:** Dr. Pierce, what role can individuals and⁤ societies‍ play⁢ in fostering an environment that encourages curiosity, invention, and responsible innovation?

​ **Section 4: Examining the Boundaries of History**

* **Host:** ⁣ The ‌article includes intriguing historical anecdotes, like Shakespeare’s marriage and Alfred​ Nobel’s will. Dr. Pierce, ​how do these seemingly disparate ⁢events offer insights into ⁤the broader social and cultural dynamics of their times?

**Concluding ⁣Remarks**

**Host:** Thank you both for this insightful discussion. It’s clear that history, ⁤science,‍ and culture ‍are inextricably intertwined, shaping​ our past, present, and ⁣future. ⁢ What final thoughts do you have for ‍our viewers, Dr. Pierce and Dr. Lawson?

This framework provides a foundation for a rich⁤ and engaging interview, exploring the diverse themes presented in the article and encouraging ⁤insightful ⁢conversation between experts.

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