Home » today » World » November 14 is the most likely date for the first round of the presidential election – 2 in 1 is possible – 2024-04-21 23:51:45

November 14 is the most likely date for the first round of the presidential election – 2 in 1 is possible – 2024-04-21 23:51:45

/ world today news/ BSP is considering not presenting a prime minister on Friday, looking for loopholes in the decision of the Constitutional Court from 1992.

The budget update can be adopted by September 10-15, the head of parliament Iva Miteva admitted

The head of the National Assembly, Iva Miteva, explained that the budget update can be adopted by September 10-15.

November 14 is the most likely date for the first round of the presidential election. Most of the parliamentary forces are united around her.

Already on August 25, “24 Chasa” predicted that November 14 is the most possible date for the presidential vote. The decision is expected to be taken by the National Assembly this week or next week at the latest. The topic will be discussed at the Council of Presidents on Wednesday.

The date of November 14 was also confirmed by parliamentary leader Iva Miteva on Tuesday. The parties have already united around the dates of November 7 or 14 for the first round of the presidential elections, but also possibly for an early vote for a new National Assembly, Miteva explained.

The elections to be 2 in 1 allow the other political forces as well, since it is clear that the third mandate cannot be fulfilled.

Another proof of this was today’s failed meeting between BSP and “Democratic Bulgaria”. Unlike Maya Manolova, who refused to support a cabinet with a mandate from the Reds, but sat with them at the same table because of the budget update, on Tuesday Hristo Ivanov refused the BSP rudely, through a comment on BNR.

This meeting simply has no purpose, because with the initial clarity that the mandate given to the BSP is doomed, and with the reality that there is no majority, this meeting becomes a pre-election PR for Mrs. Ninova, Ivanov said. And he explained that the moment when there was a chance to cast a government was to start talks before the president handed over the mandate, and to work out a governance formula to be proposed to the head of state.

Social leader Cornelia Ninova gave 10 minutes of tolerance, waiting for someone from DB to come to the parliament. After that he stood in front of the media and announced that DB should have had the courage to stand in front of everyone and tell their arguments why they don’t support, but they hid.


also saw a conflict in

DB because of the refusal

Yesterday their person said they would come to the meeting, today they won’t, it’s their internal coalition issue, she said.

It is their decision, but decisions also come with responsibility. However, our responsibility is to the state. We do not interfere in the work of other parties and coalitions, but we draw our own conclusions from their actions, Ninova commented.

The non-appearance of DB meant, firstly, that they do not want to have a regular cabinet, but to go to elections. Second, that they do not want to start changing the model for which thousands of citizens took to the streets – neither a change in the GERB model, nor in the judicial system and in the prosecutor’s office.

The worst thing about DB’s refusal right now is that they refuse to talk about the budget update. And with their actions, they risk leaving pensioners without recalculated pensions, doctors without help for the corona crisis, the Ministry of the Interior without help for border security, Ninova stated.

However, according to her,

if from ITN


the red ones

Ivanov’s people

they would themselves

come to them

What the BSP will do from now on, and whether it will bring a folder with the name of the prime minister to the president on Friday, will be decided by the National Council on Thursday. On “Positano” 20, all options will be discussed – from delaying the procedure so that the parliament has time to consider the budget update, to the immediate return of the mandate.

Reds allowed the possibility that on Friday the BSP would not go to “Dondukov” 2 with the name of the prime minister. The reason is that the jurists do not agree on the terms that run for the third mandate, for which there are no terms written in the constitution.

“If we carefully read the constitution, we will see that the legislator has not set a time limit between taking the third term and broadcasting a candidate for prime minister,” constitutionalists explained. According to them, the 1992 SC interpretive decision says that when the candidate for prime minister takes office, the same 7-day period runs for him to be equal.

It would be best if there was an amendment to the constitution, which, however, cannot be done at this stage. Or if there is an interpretive ruling to supplement the 1992 one and provide for whether, when the president convenes the third-term caucus, he must convene it with a candidate.

“But care must also be taken as to how the Supreme Court is asked that it be an addition to Art. 99, para. 3, but it should not be the same as from 1992, because the same question cannot be addressed to the SC twice”, warned Assoc. Nataliya Kiselova from the Department of Constitutional Law at SU.

If the BSP delays the return of the mandate, the parliament will have time to pass the budget update before the president dissolves it. And Iva Miteva admitted yesterday that the update could be accepted by September 10-15.

#November #date #presidential #election

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