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Notice of strike, complaint against Pénicaud … Government under union pressure from the CGT

Muriel Pénicaud on the ministers’ bench at the National Assembly (illustrations) – Philippe Lopez / AFP

  • The CGT public services filed a strike notice, from April 1 to 30, to denounce the lack of protection of local public officials, numbering about 2 million throughout the territory.
  • This initiative was strongly condemned by ministers and deputies of the majority, in a context where the executive faces criticism from several workers’ organizations.
  • In the distribution sector, the CGT filed a complaint against the Minister of Labor, whom she accused of “inaction” in the face of “breaches by employers in the distribution and large distribution sector”.

No national union on the social front. The CGT filed a strike notice, as of this Wednesday and for the whole of April, denouncing a lack of protection in public services and agents exposed to the risk of contamination from
Covid-19. In the midst of the crisis of the epidemic of
coronavirus, the initiative has been denigrated by the government and some members of the majority. After the concerns of the
construction industry, this is another episode of tension between workers and government.

Since the start of containment, public service unions have been asking the executive for “clear regulatory solutions”. Alas, the CGT public services finally sent a strike notice to the ministries of the Civil Service, Labor and Accounts. “This notice comes after a series of letters and questions asked of our ministers, which remained unanswered,” deplores Jef Lair, member of the federal office of the CGT public services, which has 85,000 members.

Public officials in danger, according to the CGT

The union regrets that a large number of public officials, especially in the territorial public service (
1.9 million agents in 2018), are not sufficiently protected in the exercise of their activity. A problematic situation, this category including in particular highly mobilized professions: family assistants, social workers, home helpers, EHPAD, maintenance workers, garbage collectors, municipal police officers, funeral directors, staff responsible for babysitting the staff caregivers…

“Many have no masks, gloves, or disinfectant solution. They are forced to work in sometimes cramped offices, which does not guarantee safe distances with their colleagues or the public. Others are forced to go to work when they are not carrying out an essential mission in this context, “describes Jef Lair. The CGT draws up a disparate inventory: “there are 56,000 employers in the territorial public service. In some territories, there are satisfactory solutions, which proves that it is possible for the government to issue clear instructions, “added the trade unionist.

Strike notice disparaged in the majority

Olivier Dussopt, secretary of state in charge of the public service, said that the strike notice was “inappropriate”. The Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, “does not understand this notice,” said his cabinet. “If the working conditions are respected, this is not the time for the public services to stop their activity.” In the majority, some even consider this notice “scandalous”, like the Rhône deputy Bruno Bonnell, or
Stéphane Séjourné, MEP.

“There may be complex situations, but they must be resolved at the local level,” said MP La République en Marche Bruno Bonnell, “shocked” by the union initiative which “perverts the strike”. More nuanced, his colleague Guillaume Chiche does not wish to “judge a union action”. But the deputy for Deux-Sèvres anticipates a critical reaction from public opinion.

Complaint against the Minister of Labor

At the CGT public services, it is explained that this strike notice “is a last resort” to protect public officials who feel at risk in their work, and who have no right of withdrawal. “There is no instruction, no circular specifying what is an essential service in the public service. In some communities, activity has not changed since the crisis, “says Jef Lair. “It is irresponsible on the part of the government.” A weekly meeting is to take place Thursday between Olivier Dusspot and a representative of each union in the public service, which employs more than 5 million French people.

The CGT does not intend to release the pressure on the government. His trade federation filed a complaint this Tuesday against Muriel Pénicaud before the Court of Justice of the Republic, finding that the employees of the distribution lack protection against the coronavirus. This is in addition to the complaints already lodged against members of the government since the start of this health crisis.



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