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Nothing is going right at the top of the state, towards a resignation of Edouard Philippe?

After the deconfinement or at the end of the crisis, Emmanuel Macron will want to give a new impetus to his policy. It will probably be without Edouard Philippe, under pressure 24 hours from the presentation of the strategy to get out of the deconfinement. The rumors are rife. Decryption …

Edouard Philippe and his government are under pressure 24 hours from the long-awaited presentation of their strategy to get the French out of deconfinement and revive the economy, paralyzed for weeks by the coronavirus crisis.

“Strong tensions”, “faults”

This pressure is quite logical but which is even stronger if we believe some rumors in recent days: Figaro friday at Gala this monday april 27 passing by JDD Sunday, all specialists in Macronie agree that “strong tensions”, “loopholes” exist between Emmanuel Macron and his Prime Minister. “It’s more tense than you think between the two men,” said a relative.

The vote on the deconfinement plan maintained on Tuesday

The presentation of “the national strategy of the deconfinement plan” by Edouard Philippe Tuesday April 28 at 3 p.m. in front of the National Assembly will be followed by a debate and a vote in application of article 50-1 of the Constitution .

The Presidency of the Assembly says that the postponement of this vote, demanded by certain opposition elected representatives, is not legally possible, which the government confirms. “The conference (of the group presidents on Monday morning) was cordial, even if not everyone agreed,” we were told.

A floating impression

The head of state absolutely do not appreciate these hiccups that are linked together in recent times; Edouard Philippe must constantly reframe the shooting with his ministers (Blanquer, Ndiaye, Le Maire …). “In this in-between period, we are starting to discuss, information is coming out here and there, and we cannot confirm anything. All of this gives the impression of floating,” regrets a member of the government in the columns of the Figaro. To avoid the ministers talking too much, Edouard Philippe was forced to tighten the screw, and “Matignon centralizes communication and locks everything.

Fears of legal threats

A fortiori because at the top of the state we fear legal threats, reveals Gala. In Matignon, Edouard Philippe is not calm and “fears criminal complaints”. The tainted blood scandal is on everyone’s mind. “When we look at what happened for the masks, the tests, we will see that we started by saying shit in Raoult, it’s going to be complicated. The commission of inquiry is going to be Nuremberg. Philippe is freaked out. However, it is complicated to govern with freaked out people (…) If some members of the government talk too much, it is to anticipate possible prosecutions “, we learn in the Figaro.

We talk about Jadot, Bertrand, The Mayor …

Finally, still on the rumor ray, the disagreement between the two strong men of the executive is such that it could push Edouard Philippe to resign. After the deconfinement, or at the end of the crisis, the President of the Republic will certainly want to give new impetus to Macronie. Without the current Prime Minister probably, who in any case will not want to participate in a “poaching operation”. There is more and more talk of a government of national unity and, at its head, we are already talking about Xavier Bertrand, Bruno Le Maire or Yves Jadot.

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