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“Nothing can justify the closure of maternity” #Maymard #Corse – Unità Naziunale

(National Unity – Published on May 23, 2021) Following the mobilizations of staff, elected officials and the population, (demonstration, petition, motion from the CdC…) the Director of Almaviva. Mr. REIG traveled to Bastia and spoke separately all week with all parties. (Trade unions, doctors and gynecologists, and maternity staff).

At the end of all these meetings, all the conditions imposed by the Management to maintain and perpetuate maternity were met. Namely the appointment of a new obstetrician gynecologist and a pediatrician. The necessary medical conditions desired by the Management are therefore met without difficulty. Nothing is therefore opposed today to the continuation of the activity of our maternity ward that the Corsicans unanimously demand, (see attached declaration of maternity staff)

However, despite these commitments, the Management procrastinates and continues to discuss its threats of closure. This incomprehensible and provocative attitude rightly arouses anger, concern and even distress among the staff and also the patients and future mothers.

For the CGT, we must immediately remove any ambiguity in the attitude of Almaviva’s management and put everyone in front of their responsibilities. The ARS also has a great responsibility in this destruction project. She must review her copy in view of the latest elements and work on the only credible solution, namely maintaining our maternity hospital on site.

The population and the employees have demonstrated that their battle is fair and that maintaining motherhood is necessary from a health, economic and social point of view.

Our determination is more than ever optimal to defend a just cause and we will continue the mobilization relentlessly until the official maintenance of our motherhood is obtained.


Staff reaction via communication on social networks:


On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, we were received by our Regional Director, Mr. Reig, who confirmed to us that his priority project is to transfer the activity of the Maymard Maternity to the Bastia hospital.

However, he raised the possibility of remaining on site if the medical team offered him a viable project with proof of engagement of at least one new obstetrician gynecologist and an additional pediatrician.

In this case, the Almaviva Group would review its positions and would be ready to invest to keep the Maymard Maternity on site.

On Thursday, May 20, 2021, it is in this state of mind that our current doctors went to the meeting with Mr. Reig accompanied by an obstetrician gynecologist and an additional pediatrician ready to join the existing medical team to contribute to this development will make our healthcare offer sustainable. Our doctors did more than respond to the Almaviva Group’s requests. they served them on a platter !!

Despite all this, nothing seems sufficient to satisfy them, which clearly shows a bad will and above all a lack of reliability and commitment on their part. We have a feeling that whatever we do, their demands will not be met !!! Therefore our future is already decided.

Our activity authorization (renewed by PARS in 20IX) is valid until November 2023.

Any transfer of obstetric activity is equivalent to a breach of contract and therefore to the CLOSING of the Maymard Maternity.

This is why, to date, we are asking for more FRANCHISE and TOTAL TRANSPARENCY.

This war of nerves is no longer tolerable !!!!!!



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